VetLAN 4: Faster & Furiouser

Hosted by Vetlan

LAN party fundraiser at VFW Post 2666.

Masks and vaccinations required, according to current state guidelines.

Saturday, 10/4:
8:30am Event Opens
8:30am Cantina Breakfast - Baked egg and meat dishes, watermelon, breakfast breads
Noon Cantina Lunch - Hot dogs and snacks
4pm Cantina Dinner - Pizza and snacks
8pm Game of the Hour - Prop n' Seek (Steam)

Sunday 10/5:
8:30am Cantina Breakfast - Baked egg n' meat, breakfast breads
Noon Cantina Lunch - TACOS!!!!!!!!!
2pm Game of the Hour - Unreal Tournament GOTY (free copies available - See Skippy)
5pm Event Closes, Cleanup begins. Volunteers needed

Payment Options: Cash or PayPal to Citizen Skippy

Sat., Oct. 2: 8:00am: 1 baked egg dish w/meat
- Watermelon (cut in wedges)
- Banana bread, Zucchini and/or Pumpkin bread (sliced on trays)

Sat., Oct. 2: 12:00pm: Tacos
- Chips, Chopped onions, Shredded cheese
- Homemade cookies, Cupcakes, Dessert bars, Brownies

Sat., Oct. 2: 4:00pm: Pizza for dinner and later evening warm-up
- Assorted candy bars
- Pub snacks

Sun., Oct. 3: 8:00am: 4 baked egg dishes (3 meat & 1 vegetarian)
- Zucchini bread, pumpkin bread, banana bread (sliced on trays)
- Canteloupe/Watermelon cut in wedges

Sun., Oct. 3: 12:30pm: Street Tacos by Janine Davies w/chips

Beverages: Mountain Dew, Sugar Free Monster, Red Bull

START: 10-02-2021 08:30AM
END: 10-03-2021 05:00PM

VFW Post 2666
310 SW Walnut St
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Vfw emblem e1406735534972


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