BoiseLAN 13 - Spring 2024

Hosted by BoiseLAN

Come game with us for a full weekend of gaming goodness!
Energy drinks will be ordered and included in the price of admission.
Each ticket comes with a LAN shirt!

– You will be restricted to 3.75 AMPs of power. We follow this guideline from PDXLAN. If you need more room or more power buy two seats please.

– Tournaments may or may not be prize supported depending on our luck with sponsors.

– Friday: 4PM - 2AM* (Setup day, come early if you can)
– Saturday: 10AM - 1 AM*
– Sunday: 10AM - 4PM
* If enough people are around and our staff isn't dead we might stay open later.

– $100 + tax

Tournaments planned:
– Let us know what you want to play in discord at

– Games will be added based on attendee interest. Game mode depends on the number of entrants/attendee interest.

– We will try to have them all prize supported but it is not a guarantee.

– You may bring your own food and drink but please be respectful of our venue.

– We get the building all day Friday but the LAN won't officially start until 4PM; depending how fast setup goes. All are welcome to come help!

– Hardware curfew begins at midnight and no desktops leave without prior approval from staff. This is to reduce the chance of theft which we have never had to deal with as of yet. Laptops are encouraged to be taken home or locked up in free onsite lockers

– The LAN will end about 2-3PM on Sunday.

– Questions? Check our FAQ's and if you still need help reach out on discord!

START: 02-16-2024 04:00PM
END: 02-18-2024 04:00PM

Trailhead - Base Camp
500 S 8th St.
Boise, ID 83702

The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.


AeroSub Ahudz AlphaIOmega Barretel bashninja Bashy C3F CBOSTREAMS CCTheKing Cheesus chimera comanderbham compukidmike Constantine CStJohn Dagalo Dakkota Dragonlord04 DrKurtabreaker (4) DROPPED Duzzy FearTheFriz ffootball916 G-Ball Hardware Asylum (4) Headband Heyvus Hrothbart independenz jadeyuy karsondude97 kiidfitz klipper Krevan L3mur LloydFury Makeineer MaplesMagic McCaurthor Mikhale (2) Milworkz monitor n1ghtbl00d N8_Arsenal87 Newzie northendtrooper Pexie Pinkus Pips Preacher Rachel rubydragon Satirical_Rob Seabears Shad0wFr0st Shanky Shashanna Shawn N. (8) shoemister SilentDemise StrangeBirdRaevenant StrangerNoDanger (2) Suislide Tatsugen th3ph3d _ThreeFold ThugHunny Trailhead (3) v0rtex Vezpin WillDaBeast Xaleb yukaia Zetswei