Hosted by GNWLAN

GNWLAN 14 will be September 25-27, 2015 at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Hillsboro, Oregon. This will be a 175 seat event. In addition to a prize raffle, there will be a charity raffle. All money raised from the charity raffle will go directly to a charity to be announced!

LAN Opens at 6PM on 09/25

What to bring:
- 25ft network cable
- Surge protector
- Power cables

We will have NO extra network cables, power cables, video cables or surge protectors.

Schedule will be announced at the LAN.

No refunds after tickets have been paid for.

START: 09-25-2015 06:00PM
END: 09-27-2015 03:00PM

Washington County Fair Complex - South Hall
873 Northeast 34th Avenue
Hillsboro, OR 97214


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