MidWestLAN2016 .reboot

Hosted by MidWestLAN

MWL Discord - https://discord.gg/NFWJN

MidWestLAN2016 . reboot will kick over 60 hours of non-stop PC and console gaming action on August 5th in the spacious Convention Center at the Marriott Madison West in Middleton, WI.

Tournaments, prize drawings and other fun events last all weekend long!

MidWestLAN homepage - Link
MWL2016 .reboot Facebook Event - Link
MWL Official Facebook Page - Link

You must have a BYOC seat to compete in all PC events.
You must have a BYOC or a Smash/Hearthstone pass to participate in Smash and Hearthstone events

Smash/Hearthstone players - buy your event pass/register for Smash tournaments at Smash.gg.

League Sign Up

Once you have a BYOC seat, go to Toornament.com for all PC tournament registration links.

League of Legends players - tournament sign up is located here.

Event Cost
BYOC LAN - $55 prepay, $65 at-the-door - CLICK ON SEATING CHART TO RESERVE A SEAT

One Day Pass (Smash/Hearthstone) - $20 prepay, $30 at the door - TICKETS AVAILABLE AT SMASH.GG.

There are no refunds granted within a month of the event.

MidWestLAN has a special room rate for all attendees staying at the Marriott Madison West for this LAN for $103/night.

Reservation Link


BYOC PC Tournament & MK8 registration is over at Toornament.com
Hearthstone & Smash tournament and event registration is over at Smash.gg.

Main Event Series
All Main Event cash entry tournaments are 100 percent to prize pool.

-Counter Strike: GO - $150 team buy-in
-League of Legends 5v5 - $15 individual buy in (MWL will donate $25 to Extra Life for each team in the tournament!)
-Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void - $15 buy-in ($300 guaranteed prize pool)
-Hearthstone - $15 buy-in ($200 guaranteed)
-Super Smash Bros Melee - Singles | Doubles
-Super Smash Bros 4 - Singles | Doubles
-Project M - Singles | Doubles

Extra Life Benefit Series
-Hearthstone Benefit - $5 buy-in
-League of Legends 1v1 - $10 buy-in (per player)

Silver Series
-Keep Talking and No One Explodes
-Rocket League 3v3 | 1v1
-Unreal Tournament (pre-Alpha)

These are general event rules that apply to all MWL events. There will be a waiver that you need either need to bring signed/sign at the event.

A refund with a 50 percent handling fee will be granted up to 31 days prior to the event. Refunds WILL NOT be granted within 30 days of the event.

There are also no refunds issued for any lost time during the event due to network or power disruptions.

Computers to people ratio-
Your registration gets you one seat and one network connection at the LAN. Additional networked devices are not allowed.

Age Limit
You must be at least 13 years of age or older to attend a MWL event by yourself. If you are under 18 years of age a parent/legal guardian must sign your waiver form which must be brought with you when you register. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a paid parent/guardian attendee.

Property/Equipment Liability –
Be respectful of your fellow LAN goers equipment, MWL’s equipment, and the venue’s property. If you damage/destroy any MWL equipment you will be held liable for the replacement/repairs of said equipment. You will also be held responsible for any damage/destruction of venue property/equipment which will be in addition to any additional charges MWL may incur beyond just replacing/repairing damaged/destroyed property.

Attitude –
Be a good sport. Be Considerate of the other players. Be considerate of the people running the event. Everyone’s at the event to have fun, so don’t be a killjoy.

Viruses/Malware –
Check your machine with any virus scan (free or premium) BEFORE bringing it to the LAN. Any machine found to be infected on the network will be disconnected until we can be certain that the machine is clean. There are no refunds for any lost time due to virus/malware infection.

Denial of Service/ General Evilness –
If you are found to be willfully hurting network performance, to any one person or the network as a whole you will be asked to leave the LAN without a refund and banned from all future MWL events. No one likes getting Lagged out at a LAN, and if it happens because a of an evil act by someone else, that’s unacceptable. If it’s by accident, or a mistake, we understand it happens and will help you resolve the problem (if needed).

Cheating –
If you are caught cheating in a tournament you and/or your team will be disqualified and potentially removed from the event without a refund.

Large File transfers –
We do not discourage file copying, we know that’s a big part of any LAN. We do ask that during tournament times that you refrain from doing transfers that may affect game play (hitting the game servers, competitor’s machines, or crossing inter switch links.) If there’s an issue found to be caused by file transfer traffic you will be asked to stop until the tournament is over.

Pornography –
Don’t have it/distribute it/watch it at the LAN. Simple as that.

Alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substance are strictly prohibited at the venue. There is a bar downstairs if you want a drink. If you are intoxicated and disruptive you will be asked to leave until you have sobered up.

Outside Food/Drink
Food from outside the hotel is not allowed. Outside non-alcoholic beverages are allowed.

Sleeping Areas
You are allowed to sleep in your chair. There is no sleeping on the floor, in the hallways, entrance area, etc at the venue.

Damage to your hardware –
MWL is not responsible for any economic/social damages to your hardware or your person at the event or while on the premises. MWL is also not responsible for damage to hardware, software, or pride due to any venue issues or damage caused by the location (ie: Power issues, random flood, etc…).

Speakers and other peripherals
– NO SPEAKERS. Use headphones, or have no sound. Speakers will not be allowed at the LAN. 40 people with speakers in competition would give everyone a headache after not too long.
-No high watt consuming/heat generating appliances/devices are allowed. This includes toasters, pizza ovens, coffee makers, space heaters, refrigerators, etc.

Q.) Do I need to bring my own PC?
A.) Yes! This is a BYOC event.

Q.) Does the venue ever shut down?
A.) No! We will be open all 60+ hours.

Q.) Is there an age limit?
A.) Yes and no. Minors under 13 are allowed, but they must be attending with a parent.

Q.) Can I pay just to play "x" tournament and not for the entire LAN?
A.) No, the cash entries are just to build the pots. But you get entry into a number of free tournaments and prize drawings with your entry fee.

Q.) What is the refund policy?
A.) A refund with a 50 percent handling fee will be granted up to 31 days prior to the event. Refunds WILL NOT be granted within 30 days of the event.

There are also no refunds issued for any lost time during the event due to network or power disruptions.

Q.) How much space do I get?
A.) You get 3 feet of space to set up.

MidWestLAN has a special room rate for all attendees staying at the Marriott Madison West for this LAN for $103/night.

Reservation Link

-Special discount on BAWLS online orders for each attendee

ByteSize Solutions

Computer Power User
-Magazine for each attendee

Deck Keyboards
-Hassium Pro 108 key blue switch, blue LED x 1
-Hassium Pro 108 key red switch, blue LED x 1
-Hassium Pro 108 key brown switch, blue LED x 1
-Hassium Pro 108 key blue switch, white LED x 1
-Hassium Pro 108 key red switch, white LED x 1
-Hassium Pro 108 key brown switch, white LED x 1
-Francium Pro 87 key blue switch, blue LED x 1
-Francium Pro 87 key red switch, blue LED x 1
-Francium Pro 87 key brown switch, blue LED x 1
-Francium Pro 87 key blue switch, white LED x 1
-Francium Pro 87 key red switch, white LED x 1
-Francium Pro 87 key brown switch, white LED x 1

-Enermax Ostrog ADV Case x 1
-Enermax Tiathlor Eco 1000w PSU x 1
-Enermax Liqmax II 240 Liquid Cooler x 1
-Lepa EXllusion 240 Cooler x 1
-Lepa Lepad Notebook Cooler S17 x 1

-Ares 7 Color Combo x 2
-Hermes RGB Keyboard x 1
-Hermes 7 Color Keyboard x 1

In Win
-707 full tower
-805 mid tower
-Dragon Slayer mid tower
-Commander II PSU
-Powerman PSU
-Rockermat2 aluminum mouse pads (x5)

-BenQ XL2411Z 144Hz 1ms 24 inch Gaming Monitor x 1

-VT180-120G SSDs x 3

-Redline Series SST-RL05BR-W Steel / Plastic Case x 1
-Black Aluminum skin reinforced plastic front panel, 0.8mm SECC body MILO Series ML03B Micro ATX Media Center / HTPC Case x 1
-Strider Plus 600 W (ST60F-PS) Power Supply x 1
-RV-P01 Mousepad x 2

Steel Series - Tournament Sponsor
-Apex 500
-Siberia 200


START: 08-05-2016 11:00AM
END: 08-07-2016 07:00PM

Marriott Madison West Hotel and Conference Center
1313 John Q Hammons Dr.
Middleton, WI 53562

Sponsors 200
Ss 200
Lanreg cover2
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Abusement Adam AdenRising Alex amdiodati angus atomized BandoMemphis Bandor benGy BenParker BigRig Bojangles Boyer Caine candiandrums chillyfire3 CiTY Dator DMPeyer doobNer dsweets Dudefaceman5 emceemikep Empty EON FiRE Gola Heckin great Hero Hippocampi Hopscotch ichigo7 jakethesnake jjjacer JPKilla Kamker Klavo Hunter KlutcH KSON1g Lennox Lillith liquidfire Loak m4dcow Mad City master bagels Mattyrak McMonroe Motelcity MrMerome MxGLasender Natedogg Ninjajonny nocitnarF Noodzy nuggets Oogy Oshie PandaBearMe PigNaBlanket PizzaTut pst Pwnzy Qcon Quabbled Ragingbulldozer Rambo Rengen Rno Scoon scy1192 SenpaiJuraf ShockHornet shot ShoT_UP Sikh Skidoodles Snexmix Somedude Splitsecond starlight Stealth Striker StumpRunner _Tanner teh_al3x TheKidStorm Tixler21 travisyang Turntle Valrence VampyWorm VEGIM Vorpist What to heck Wizzy yay York z3771 Zap Zeppy Zero-One Zimaios