PDXAGE 3 - May 2016
Hosted by PDXAGE
PDXAGE (Portland Analog Gaming Event) is Portland Oregon's newest Table Top event started in 2014 by the creators of PDXLAN, a PC-Gaming event in Portland started in 2002.
PDXAGE is a weekend full of Table-Top gaming once per year in May. Activities include tons of table-top gaming, developer play testing, table talks (Panels), and a massive area for free-play gaming.
PDXAGE has FREE parking, FREE WiFi provided by Xfinity, and unlimited Monster Energy drinks to power you through a great weekend of fun.
** Please note: T-shirt size is asked for ALL tickets, but ONLY the GOLD and PLATINUM tickets come with shirts.**
| PDXAGE Website | Facebook |
START: | 05-13-2016 12:00PM |
END: | 05-15-2016 06:00PM |

asaspades Bogusgig corpse Eoghan Mike Mouse MPHopcroft Nihilist Some_call_me_Ray spiketail storm Sulzanti thetruejaster trumby X-Ray-Chick (2)TICKETS
Bronze Pass
SOLD OUT!3-Day Pass
Gold Pass
SOLD OUT!3-Day Pass w/Event Shirt
Platinum Pass
SOLD OUT!3-Day Pass w/Event Shirt + Pin
Silver Pass
SOLD OUT!3-Day Pass w/Event Pin