Fall 2019 BYOC (Sold out)

Hosted by PDXLAN

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Welcome to the PDXLAN Fall 2019 Ticket System.

Please select your seat below to get started.

Please remember, there are no refunds, but you can transfer your seat free of charge up until 1 week before the event. Ticket transfers past this time will be $25.00

** Ticket transfer / editing cutoff is 10/31/2019 @ 10pm **
**Parking passes will be sold only at the door for $20.00**

- 1/2 of a 6' table, approximately 36" wide, and 30" deep
- 3.75 amps power max
- LAN Network & Internet Access
- Chair if you need one (You may bring your own)
- Entry into Tournaments (Follow instructions at event)
- Entry into Contests (Follow instructions at event)
- Two raffle tickets per person (not per seat)
- 4 day access to event

START: 11-07-2019 06:00PM
END: 11-10-2019 05:00PM

Clark County Event Center - Hall A
17402 NE Delfel Rd
Ridgefield, WA 98642


The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.


0shi0ki ace Ace AchillesZeal ACoD adblto Adonia Agent38ddd (2) Agnt_MasterCBlue Aikatchu ajcdrift Akroma_86 alberttran AlbinoGK Alexander The Great aLYNN Alzakar amack300 An9e11 (2) Andarta Anime-Wh0re (2) Annizzilator Arii Arkratos aRmPaGe Arthon (2) Ashs2Daisys aSquawkNmoose (2) A Tiny Snackrifice Atreides ATrinket Auldzach AuxxZillary AVRoscoe AxelXBC AyamaWolfDemon Aztec b0x B1GGN (2) Backstroke BadBunny07 Badger3Duck1 Bagheera Balax Bandit_GLAD Barnacules BattleGator BCLEV02 Beandip BeastWithin Beefcake361 Beefcake361_2 beezel BenderIsGreat Bennyboozle BestKouhai BET IT AINT ME bhizzl3 BigCrone BigDaddyC BIG.E Biggdadd70 bigjmachine BigTWebb BilgeRat Bingus BioMass_OBF BitchyPoo BitchyPoo_2 BitTwist Blackcattrio Blackk BLASTFALL BlessedRanger18 Bludbro2 BlueFalcon BlueSnowEyez Blux (2) Bobloblaw Bocaniciudude Boddaker (2) Bonkers773 Boogs227 Boomstick21 Booth-Comcast (2) Booth INWIN BOOTH MSI BOOTH-PerfPCS Boraa born2croak Boy_Fieri Breezybird BreezyDabCity BreezyOhio Brhino Brianjacobpage Brizen Brooksey8184 Broskitty Brujin Brutalocalypse BSMods Bulk like Hulk BurlySterlie Buzzdome C1inty C1utch Cable Guy Caboose Caecus CarlosMOL CarlSLINGblad3 Carnosaur Cars CASH-THESE-HANDS Cat Catspaw cavemanspark Celdurai CelinetteNyx Ch3lzbear chilliad ChillSpider Chorizopuff ChronicJoe chubbzilla chubs Cimorene Ciriuss citizenskippy Civilian CJBFly2VICTORY ckrailo clamdip clipper Coinrun Comet Conqure Cooldown corpse CraftyTurtle42 CrazyLegumes CrownBishop Crucial Crunch Crunch-2 Crysilus Curtbacca [CW]BARTZ13 [CW]Bjwest [CW]BoNe-A-FyDe [CW]DirtyDan [CW]Dmcornell1990 [CW]DoubleChocolate [CW]Fahood [CW]Frosty [CW]garlic frog [CW]hutchison15 [CW]InformationLeak [CW]kibitzer [CW]Necrossis CWOON [CW]Phanther [CW]Polaskers [CW]RussionRanger [CW]Sunburned Yeti [CW]SuperKyle [CW]__Vishious__ [CW]Vof CyberCrist cynoclast cyson78 Dabe Dabears0014 Dajugga dariennemeow Daring_RAD Darkain darkbeth dayundone De1ta DeadGuy DeathCry1971 Dee DeeSee DemonessLeria dENGAR Deskins DeskPop Deteriorate DeviousB0B DexterAggro Dgephri Dhardrian Didactic dislecksick dmaxrickjames Doctor_Roxxo dogsong DragonBreathe4U dragontamer Drange DreamCrusher drewying DrScrambles Drunk Mexican Drunk Monk Ducky06 DudeMcBacon Dura DUSTBYTE DV808 Dygeto Eaglei113 EchoJumper El Fang Elisium147 ElitistJerk Elmy Elmy_2 Elmy_3 Emuhleebee88 Emzlo Entreri ErgonomicQ eric333 Erik Eruanna eskimosurfer evanmelliot (2) evanshrugged Evil_Sacrament Evil_Sacrament (2) Exeia ExpectedWall EzCheez360 Faradyn Fatroids Febris FelixOctavian Fev fifer (2) Fireworks Flabeefea Flindoogin Flipluck Fluffyhairball Foiled forks.dad forsakenarchon FozzyD FreakyBigFoot fredonfyre FriendRenegade FrontlinePlay Fruitbat fuhloizle Funsizedspaz gameRevX Gamers.Care GamingGlory gapple gapple_2 Gats GAZORPAZORPFIELD GenoBob GenoBob_2 ghostblazer7 GK glitchyrichy Gn4rkillz Gnathonic Golanth goldin goliath070 GonePostal goober Govtman Govtman_2 Grampy Grant Grif grokery Grompf GronTron Grunt Gunho GuppyGrenade Gygax HabaneroBandit Hakabane hakkit Hangman happyham hartlandon Hawkeye Hawtrikkugirl16 Headtrauma HellSap (2) Hemlock-Soup hemlokk hewatana HeyFringe Hibson HiddenBullet556 HipHopPharaoh hobbseltoff hogeland Honey3ee Hoody horvaticus HouseOfPrimeRib HumanHunter Hyf1re Hypnero I3e4ns IamtheCostco Ic3Soldi3r icecoldelf icedtia ICE IX Icephyre idemus iiFinalShotii IiISaladIiI Ikaros16 ImagineWagons Iron Waffle Irosuri Itsnicolebee Jack Jackalope Jacob Has Moves jadamowicz Jakerz Jarrek Jarro (2) Jasla JATMN JayChen jchaney01 Jdhillpdx JediLilly626 jerm Jesseric jmustang68 Jobo joeltelling Jogo JohnnyBarneso jozilla61 jsenkbeil JumpyWizard june11084 JustWingIt K9copper808 Kalikkamar Kamerad Kanos Kaokhen KaoKing13 kaos Karlant KatanaMoon KatsuKendo Kaze Ka_zu_ki K-Dub-Bango Kedamonah keithretrac Kellsbells KevlarCondom (2) Keysftw khimaira Killabone69 Killa_Khai Killbo Swagginz Killer_Shroom King_in_Red KiroKnightBow Kismet Kitheren KnineDHP Knuttz Kobk43474 Kolmach Koolade99 KoreanBaller Korndezee Kraint Kralj_Sombra Kraszmyl Kraszmyl_2 krazygkid KreigSpieln krispybacon (2) Kry kukukachu31 LadyFox LadyMae LadyPanda LadyWolfe143 LaidToR3st law LazyCrazyJoe LeeHarvey81 Leethowitz Lesserpanda </LIFE> LilHypner LITTLELOPEZ Lizonya (2) LuckyLaynie LupusTheThird Lykinn Lynx2Xero Magarathin magicpants MagicTurtle MajorBeefTaco majorpansy Maple Syrup Mods Maryparty10 masolik MasterBuilderD MasterOfNerf Mati matrix4790 MattTheBandGeek Mauvster McNasty Mechfire MeLikeBigBoom Melkor Memody Menace4NRK MikeyJ MilkMan767 Mind.Game Mind.Reader Mini Minst_Meat Mirk Miss H. MLG mnarlock Mogwai MommaSammu MONGENEL monosodium Moondoggie Moose MoosePRO Moosome MotherFox MrBrizby MrDobalina360 MrILLusive441 MrsCitizenSkippy mrtman007 MuNkYgUrL Murizani Mushoku MustardGal mynameistom67 n64gamer Nagusaki Narteck NaturalPerm Nawal Neagirom NestorPrimo (2) Never Bet Against Space Korea new-b-q NG| Solar_Vp nhoss1 nhoss2 nhoss3 NightDenizen NightFox NinjaGaijin Nitemayr Noblesse Nobody nocrates Noky NoobWantsHacks NotListed Notoes Notoes_NetworkCore Notoes_NetworkSwitch Nova Novak28 NRP|Karl Marx NVIDIA (4) NWPixel OB1KNBY obsoletepotato ObstinateGravy7 Obstructor Oesteria OldGregg o_manb Oneill oneslypig Oreo_racer Oria Othello overwheat (2) oxiclean Padawan Pahshee Pahshee_2 Pancake Pandalore Pariah Pay$Wubby Pciber Peach707 PelvicSorcerer PennyWise peric3 Ph4tL3wt81 phiednate PhilosophicCoug Phonii Phuzzywaffles pig_slyer Pink Plumbob PIPI08 Piroglith Placeholder PlasmaRenegade Poliwaggle P|PE Praze (2) princeofreapers Princessjackie PROFESSOR WOKE PROJECTOR (2) Protricity Psunami psyberian PWiNCeSS PwnageBeast qaswasred Quetzal QwertyHusky RabbertCline Rabblin_Ron_Jr Radoc RageQuittyKitty Ragingterror Raisa Ramirez RancidGoo raybdbomb RealAlienBoy realleet reaperrdnk Reddlace Redkluh Redmond RedneckWithTech Redshirt Reebel Reegs_ma_geegs Reggyy Reluctanse RetroJ3000 Retsef_Liob RhinoxBM Rinic rintintin Ripcity RipX Rivayne roboto Rocket Rocketdog20 RocketPig rocketsocks08 rodrosenberg Rondon RoostrC0gburn Rorauc RoverOne rtrons rubix rustyzipper Ryanator rylew0925 S10Blazzer S7373N Saltlick88 SanityIsALie SashaPDX Savvymittens SawButt Schlagwerk Schwa Scooperjooper ScubaSteve Seanconnelly Secret Lizard Person Send_Nudez Seoul_Glo Setonos Shadezblood Shadisky ShadoVV9 ShadowWraith Shanks117 Shaydan Shenanigans Shenaniquin shimmer shlub shnoozle Shoenbreaker Shujinkou Siphry SirChaos (2) SITRUCX Siyte5000 skitch Skrappy SlimJim Slothingtin Slyfox smileslikeaskull SmoothAwperator Socialoutcast Soden Sohcahtoa82 SolidSnke somegeek Someguyrb somethingcool Sorimatsu Soul1355 Soybean Space Sushi SpaghettiGod spec_K13 Spenbrom spiketail SP_Kenny sponge888 SpoonDogSVT SpoonOfDeath Sprinkles SquadFam Squishy Staff Seat (27) Stalwort Rumpington Starseed69 Starwolfe Stfuego Stone storm Stormstrik3r stripweathers Styxiedust SulSeeker Sulzanti Sulzanti_2 superaaronj Supermoo27 SuperT Supertoad18 Suren Suren_2 SussySusano SweetDream82 SweetsMarauder Sylphx T-3524 Taaxi (2) Tactical Llama Talisman Talme Tanlaan [TB]4K1R4 TboneMendez [TB]Rod [TB]Rod_2 Teemo tekdemo TekLord Telesuh Terminal123 Termsxofxuse TessaTickles ThaFiveO (2) That One Guy Thecoolonion theg00se1030 THEGIRLINTHEMOON TheJaredGuy TheJuanAndOnly TheLonelyFatTart thelza TheMarshHare The_Mr_Milkyway ThePuzzledEmu theyCALLmeBZ Thrydwulf Thurbleton tildax TimmyTechTV TKDaemon Tony The Hun Totden Tranzient04 TraveledGiant01 tribacon tribb8 TripleThreatMuffin Trixman Troll_Smurf_25 trumby Truspeed tSpoonSVT TurboPenguin TushyFace Tweak (2) tweek Twig Uncle_Taxi Unkle_Touchy UNKN0VVN Untapped untouchableface unused V1Tech Vaelin Vaelin_2 Valen983 Varrn Venmas VickyToreo ViKing_beeF VisionN Vittoneloke Voronex Vortex Vortexel VP Life Vulgareye Vvgamepro vw06gli Warmboat Waterless Weeblord wegoinghome Wellis21 Wet Dingus Whip_Lash wildcard wilko Willy Wolf Wolfgarb WyohKnott Xaqaria (2) Xatie Xeno Xenu xeromist Xethren xKro XooM xpheonix xpsniperguy xXSweetMeetXx Xyile Xzandelta YACOB YdeNotWhitey Zams Zaraxeon Zax0n Zaxel zduell ZeChoppa zekezander Zenko Zico86 ziforyu zilerj Ziler_PDX337 Zoediak Zoediak_2 Zoncrow ZoneDancer Zoomacroom Zubaru (2) ZurkeyDurkey