PDXLAN Fall 2023
Hosted by PDXLAN
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Welcome to the PDXLAN Ticket & Swag purchasing area.
Please select the available seat you would like to purchase to get started. If you wish to order event swag, please do so at the bottom of this page.
You get DOUBLE raffle tickets if you purchase a seat prior to April 3rd, 11:59 AM
Please remember, there are no refunds, but you can transfer your seat free of charge up until November 1st, 2023 @ 8AM
Covid 19 Policy: No restrictions expected, but we always advise masks and boosters at ANY large gathering.
** No refunds, please confirm you can come before you buy **
The staff have selected the Holiday Inn at Salmon Creek as the place they are staying. You can book there using this link:
START: | 11-09-2023 06:00PM |
END: | 11-12-2023 05:00PM |
17402 NE Delfel Rd, Ridgefield, WA 98642
Ridgefield, WA Ridgefield
The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.
0shibro 24/7 Suppish 3Forks 3y3ball 5h4ck Ace (2) Action989 Adimentus adthree Aeolus Afro_Gear Agent38ddd Agent38ddd_2 Aidenmw3 akask8r1 Akroma_86 Al Capwn Alchemyst Aleo05 (2) Altecfenix amack300 Americancosworth An Aname Guy AnimeMetalhead (2) Anime-Wh0re Anita_Hugg AnnieOakley aragoss Archonsfury Arlyne_Yuki aRmPaGe Ashs2Daisys Astro Asuna AuraVanDank AuxxZillary AxelXBC AyamaWolfDemon Aztec Aztec_2 b0ykropf B1GGN Badger3Duck1 Baller465 bananajoe BarbfromFargo BartenderBar BARTZ13 batlin Beardface Beefcake361 benevolentbear BenLishman Berg BermanOC BestKouhai bhizzl3 Bigbadboo222 BigDash Biggdadd71 (2) Big SoLoS bigsquid223 BilgeRatPDX Bit_Viper Bizzuh Blaknite5 blindspots (4) Bloody Echo Bluecutter Bluejogo BlueSnowEyez blunicorn15 Bocaniciudude Boddaker (2) BoGangles52 Bonesaga (2) BoomStick21 BoomStick21_2 Boraa Bowie24 Brack3t BradRapid BraveDaun BreezyDabCity BreezyOhio Brewbies (2) Bristin Bronze Brooksey8184 Broskitty Bruisertank14 Brutalocalypse Bumnards Burtles Burtles_1 caffeenated Caffeinated Cleric CantSitStill CaptainFunny#1703 carn3_a5ada Carnosaur Castle C-Biscuit Celdurai cereal_cable Cfcstar Ch3lzbear chaoticjthm Chelmsy ChemicalChaos Chilliad ChimneyHorse ChoosingEden chubs Cici Cil citizenskippy (2) CitizenSkippy clamdip Code1992 CollinBates9 Conkrete Conqure Construkt Cooly47 CORG1107 corpse (2) CPTMULLER CraftComputing Crawdadius CrazicGaming CrazyLegumes CreativWan CrownBishop Crypt1c CtrlV Cubbage (2) CurlyKi Curveless_Morty CyberCrist Dabe Dabears0014 Dakarian DancingHavoc DancingHavoc_2 Dark Darkain DarkxxSoldiers DarthTater DatBitchAmy David_L dayundone Daze.e deaddawg (2) DeathCry1971 DeliciousCarrot Demidew Demoness Leria Demoness Leria_1 DesLancer DeviousB0B DeviousB0B_1 ! /dev/null#8900 Dexdiman DexterAggro DeynaTaggerung Dgephri (2) Didactic Diecritqual Dihydrogen dislecksick dmaxrickjames Dmk DiAbL O Doddly DonPollo (2) DOOT FACTORY Doriansword dotsforsale Draelren dragontamer Dredd DrTurtle DtotheAmbrose Ducky06 Duxck DVDBZN DylanGaster Eaglei113 Edgar Allen No Edgecrusher Electric.Nachos ElementTD2 El Fang elimin ELiVanTaL Emzlo eneme EQWoody ErgonomicQ Eruanna Evalano Exeia ExtraCarnitas Ezhriel Fabul Faeula fallenstar FapWaffle Faradyn FaultyVi FeatherFire Febris fell0w Fern Fev fifer Figalmighty Fightingk9 (2) Firegamer_5 Flindoogin Flipluck Fluffyhairball FlyleafGirl forks.dad fr34k3zOid FrAgS (2) FreshToDef Funsizedspaz Fuzzywaffles Gadolinium Ion Gaius gameRevX GamersOutreach gapetheape Gats GeekTea GenerallyMuted GenoBob geostigmaSOLDIER GetDunkedDonald GFU Winnie gh0st_bandit GKZanite Glet glitchyrichy $GMoney$ G_Money Gnarled Gnomes GodlyNugget Golanth Goldwyn goliath070 GonePostal gonzogriff Gorboc Gothorki Govtman Govtman_1 Grimtexz Grunt Gygax Haitia Hakabane hakkit Hammeredmantis HANNIBAL happyham Hapyzel Harrisaurus Harrisonkuni Haruehiro Hawkeye Headtrauma Hellbent HellSap HelpMePls HenryXY Herdette hewatana Hexphire (2) HeyFringe HibsonN7 HiroRigo hobbseltoff hobbseltoff_2 Hoeney HoeyJoey89 holycowrap Honey Badger horvaticus horvaticus_2 HRZDonut HuskeryFloof Hyaline Cat Hygrom Hygrom_2 icedtia IFixCarsYo iiFinalShotii iisunnyyflowerr ikol ilisoff ImpulsiveJames itsatrapski Izzys_library Jackietastic JacobHasMoves jadamowicz Jaesam JakeTracker JazzHands Jckth3reaper JediLilly626 Jer00Bear jerm Jesseric JFindley0525 Jjay_H Jknee jmustang68 JordanSavage1996 JoshFlash (3) J.ROSS Jungy K1llerSprinklez kai_sur Kalark Kalikkamar Kanos Kaokhen KaoKing13 KaOnyx Kassamir Ka_zu_ki Kedamonah Kellsbells kered124 Ketchup174 khimaira Killer_Shroom Killer_Shroom_2 Killer_Shroom_3 King_in_Red Kiri Kirigi Kitheren KittenKaster KittenTamer Knuttz kolmach koneltt Konges Kraint Kraszmyl Kraszmyl_2 Kraszmyl_3 l33tb33ns Labency LadyFox Landon1128 laser law LAXBEAST lazybandgeek LCPOHerd Leethowitz Lefluffy LegoFoxes24 Leinyaru Lelon Lesserpanda Lesser_Weevil Lexsteelz Lezt liberalgeek Lightning Limit Does Not Exist Linknights Liquid LittlePants Littleships Loaf loki dog LooseyGoosey lord999 lord999_2 lordbaconbits Lord HAV0K lord_riley Lotus_dragon2 LucyinBookland Lynx2Xero (4) Lynxii macintoshme mackienackie MadKryptic MadMartigan MadMary Magarathin magicpants MagicTurtle MajorBeefTaco (2) majorpansy (2) Malino Mannsauce manowarpain Maple Syrup Mods mapletimbit Marcusbmx1701 Marklanreg MarshmallowTaser Martini MasterBuilderD Mateos Potatoes Mati Mat.the.w MaverickShotPro Max_Matrix Mechfire medisinn Mel0nGuy Meowcenary Mikel527 Mikel527_2 Milesjdean MilkMan767 Mini Mini-Edgecrshr Misifox MissMelon Mister Meeseeks Mk_Ultra Mochery MocHi Modi0977 mojo jojo Monte moshimoshi778 MotherFox Mr_Chingadera MrDanbourineman MrDobalina360 Mrfud MrGoopy Mr. Pink mscoppertop Mushoku myconoid Mynok (4) Nagusaki Nawal Nicklesdimesquarters Night NightFox Nightmare Vixen NightOwl Nirvanium Nitemayr NoahBaBoa Noky norlo_pdx nosh NotABard NotListed Notoes NotRyanWinget nwithan8 NWPixel o7Bouncer o7CoolBreeze Oakkbeard Obstructor OctopusofVengeance OgreSkull Okapi oneslypig Op4ArcticFox organic.plant oxiclean ozzomaniccc@gmail.com Pahshee Pahshee_2 Pahshee_3 Pancake Pariah Parsacs PatDaddy pcdsrro Pciber peanutbutterandnapalm PepticSine Pestilence Ph4tL3wt81 Phaedra Phanther PHONO Photwentybro Phthisics pieman622 pig_slyer PIPI08 Pixiepepistar PixieSour PlasmaRenegade Praze Princessjackie Professor Woke Pwnagebeast PxlFunk qaswasred qhedge Quantum_one QueenRed223 racouse (2) RadioKiller67 Ragingterror RailWolf RavenousTyrant Razorklaw Recktek Redd Redmond Redot Reegs_ma_geegs Rekless Reminesse Remrevi Renegade retro PC mods Retsef_Liob RettIsAwesome RobBot Ron Stoppable Rorauc Rotanna10 RoyaltheMaster Ryu502 S7373N SA2011 Saber Sairo salem saltz S.A.M. samoht67 SashaPDX SassyPurpleFox savagepatchkid1996 SawButt Scarface Schlagwerk (2) Schwa ScottyTCP ScrapyardGwyn (2) SeaBears Send_Nudez ShadoVV9 Shadowbathed ShadowWraith Shaicho Shaydan Shaynarath SheSoTricksy Shoenbreaker signalmod Simialnvicta siphry SirChaos SirChaos_2 sirjakeyjake Siyte5000 Sketch skitch Skrappy SkyBlazer81 Slamm3r SleepyOgre SlimJim smileslikeaskull SnapLeey Snicklefritz SnorlaxGuy777 Sohcahtoa82 Solarian13 somegeek Someguyrb somethingcool soph Sorimatsu SpaghettiGod Spankenstein SpiciestKhan153 spiketail (2) SP_Kenny sponge888 (2) Spoon SpringRolls SpringRolls_2 Sprinkles (2) Spud Muffin staceroni Stalwort Rumpington Station Steenie Sterling stone Stone_Skin StrangerNoDanger Strogue StubbyTech Sulzanti (2) Suren SweetDream T-3524 Talisman Talme Tanlaan TARSforpresident Teflon_Taco TehZombie (3) tekdemo TekLord TempyTheCleric teqonix Tex_- TGK.13 The Dude The_Dude300 TheEightyEight the end TheFoxyShortBus TheGreatProdigy TheJuanAndOnly The Mac Attack ThePuzzledEmu TheSwelmetGuy Thranx _ThreeFold Thurbleton Tiberius tienpdx tildax TimmyTechTV Tishbyte tixo75 TKDaemon Tman00 Toastyboat Torg_Alpha Totden TrashDog Travmaster69 traxhyena tribacon tribb8 Tripwire104 Trueno trumby trumby_2 Tumblin Monk Tumblin Monk_2 turbopenguin TushyFace tweathe TwoAM013 Tydieloveswho Tywingard UgDuck ultrabelly UncleJesse Uncle_Taxi untouchableface Vaelin Vaiygar vampzghost Vector (34) Vel Belle Ventura Vesper Vezpin VickyToreo Violet Voltron'sMom Vortex Voyager Vulgareye Vvgamepro VyKeen82 Wakingmoon Warmboat Warriorginger Weeblord WELDER WesCo Cinco WhoMikeKing wildcard Winbarrick WizKaelifa Wolfgarb wolsen Wootmane WorthWhilePanda WoweeBananas WyohKnott Xatie xbfighter21 Xenu XNavyman503 Xoz129 xpheonix XSmokechild420x xXDangerSoupXx Xzandelta Y2Kanga ychto Yellobird yockster ytsohptwhere Z3rocela Zams zekezander zenop1ayz Zico86 Zoediak Zoediak_2 Zoomacroom Zubaru (2) Zudo Zuexs ZurkeyDurkeyTICKETS
Item1: Small T-Shirt
SOLD OUT!Only available until 10-08-2023. Delivery at event.
Item2: Medium T-Shirt
SOLD OUT!Only available until 10-08-2023. Delivery at event.
Item3: Large T-Shirt
SOLD OUT!Only available until 10-08-2023. Delivery at event.
Item4: XL T-Shirt
SOLD OUT!Only available until 10-08-2023. Delivery at event.
Item5: 2X T-Shirt
SOLD OUT!Only available until 10-08-2023. Delivery at event.
Item6: 3X T-Shirt
SOLD OUT!Only available until 10-08-2023. Delivery at event.
Item7: 4X T-Shirt
SOLD OUT!Only available until 10-08-2023. Delivery at event.
Mouse Mat
SOLD OUT!Mouse mat. Delivery at Spring event.