PDXLAN 26 [Sold out]

Hosted by PDXLAN

PDXLAN is a mega-LAN Party event where up to 550 PC gamers bring their computers for up to four days to play video games. Gamers come from all over the United States and Canada to participate in fun contests, competitive tournaments, and sponsor presentations. Typical PDXLAN events include up to $100,000 in sponsor prizes for the attendees.

While PDXLAN's size makes it one of the largest LAN Parties in North America, it also has the closest community of any LAN Party in North America. If you are coming for the first time or the 20th time - expect to leave with a few more friends.

Have you booked your hotel room yet? Click Here.


| PDXLAN Website | PDXLAN FAQ | Forums | Facebook |

PDXLAN is sometimes so large in scope, that things get missed by attendees all of the time. In an effort to make sure things are streamlined, here are some hints to help you out:

1. Announcements at the event are on Twiter @PDXLAN_Event
2. Book your hotel room Early Click Here to do that now.
3. Join the PDXLAN Steam group for the schedule of events
4. Join the discussion at our Facebook Group "PDXLAN"

START: 07-17-2015 06:00PM
END: 07-20-2015 05:00PM

Holiday Inn Conference Center
8439 NE Columbia Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97220

Pdxlan org main


2strainsz (3MOB) Fireworks!! (3MOB)JoeDejony (3MOB) Troll_Smurf_25 7swords ace Ac-town Adrick ahuang0284 Albiness Aly Aly aLYNN AMD Ammonex An9e11 Ando Android Anime-Wh0re Antman Aractor aRmPaGe Atticus (3) AzraellaMinx BadBunny07 Baggins Bagheera Balax barbkevitch Baron BartenderBar BARTZ13 Batmantha Bealsy Beatdown Biggdadd71 BilgeRat BizSar blazerblitzkrieg BloodPhoenix blynd BobAlmighty Boddaker (2) Bogey Boola Boombledoor Breezy-Bird Brit brittanytc89 Brooke bstdhalo Bu11etPr00f Byas Calamazoowho Calm Ninjas Capn carn3_a5ada Casper1024 (3) Catspaw (2) Chair Lifter cHaOserveR Chill Spider Chip chubs ChunksRU Cincy (2) citizenskippy Civilian (2) clamdip (2) Clear4cryrsis CleoLeo Clubbed~ Coconuthead coldfusion combinep Complx Conqure (2) Cpt_Kangaroo Cpt.Spike CrazyAiden CrazyRob Criffer CrownBishop Crunch (2) DairyBaron DaneDraco dariennemeow Darkangel Darkseid DarkTerrorZ DarthBeavis (2) DaWildBeast Dead Guy Demented Demolitiondude der_juden Dgephri dglazed Didactic Dippleshnaz dislecksick Doctor Derrick Doomdoom DoubleD Doughboy Drewer4 Dr.Rom13310 Drrush DrunkMexican Drykk DudeMcBacon Dufu$ Dylan Dymo Eadmanday Edgecrusher Edsploration El Cornholio El Guapo Elmy (3) emzeemoe Ender EpicFatty Epileptic Hero Eruanna exarque ExNoctis ExodiusIX Fadisto fEsTiDiOuS Fevenis Flechette FliAznGuy Fluxfire Foon forks_dad forsakenarchon ForsakenGalaxy FoulestPig Frailty FreeRoaming Funkids GaiusPrimus GaMeReVx gamestar44 Geekgurl Gh0st Ghandi Ghostwalker Ghudda Givon Gortan Govtman Grampy gridley69 grin Gunem GWN21 HANNIBAL Harabec Haratic Hateplow Hawkeye hcollider hellbent Hello_Kitty hellsap Help Desk (3) Hewatana hezimo Hezsyn hikid Hikin Hobbes HollowPwns HollsBalls HolyMan HothTron HULKHULKHULKHULKHULK HumanHunter HydnalX42 Hyperion Chains IamNotSam icedtia Icepacker iGetzPants imthinking Incident1018 Infektion Jacen Tharen Jack Jack_Spade JagGator Jakariniteangel Jarro jBIRD jbirdy JDog JeepMcMuddy Jeniisattva Jeremy JERM Jet JKrader jmortLAN (2) JoeGator Joker808 juicebox Juicebox jwestbury KaBoom Kage Kalark Kamiyama kanti_sama KaosHunter Kassamir kathulu Kelerain Kepen Kettlekern Keytira kf137 Killer_Shroom Killtear Klasa Klutch KogaRyu Kraint Kuniv Kurrbee Kusabob Kuwaiti Kzooka Ladytron LaidToR3st Larfleeze Largo LastTigerEyes LCPOHerd LethalMongoose LeTiger lilmcmuddy Lizz Lomilar lord999 lovelybluclr lyseuser Macabre Ballet MadHadder Majes7ic MajorBeefTaco Maloch Marauder Marsh Masolik Matlockk Matryoshka Matt matthewtc MaverickShotPro Meatmaster1 Mechfire (2) MeLikeBigBoom Melonbread mephisto23 Metric MetricEngr Mich0nne Midget Miguel Taco (2) Mikel527 MikezBikez milkytaco Mirk Misdirection mithrildraco Mizum Moogle388 moosome Mortenya MountainSide Mouse MozartK2 MrBossMan MrKoshNaranek MrQ (2) Mrs Crockett Mudafuga Mugatu (2) MunkyGurl Mur Mury Mushoku Myworstfear MzCincy (2) Nakedness Narteck Necrossis (2) NFC nightlotus NinjaGaijin Ninx Nitemayr NKrader NORMtheSTORM NotListed Notoes Notsina Noyoko npbenjohnson NRP|Karl Marx NVIDIA (5) OBJ obsoletepotato Olrox o_manb omega oneslypig Opening Oreo_racer Oria Origin (2) Otis Owl N Out Oxiclean Pancake Pancho Pansy pattypuppy Payback (2) pdXjoe PennyWise Phanther Phase phoenixblackhawk PhoenixRising PinchNWiggle PixelTron popltree Pr4zz4 Praze Predator Prinkeps Projector (2) Psyberian Psychosis23 PugetSystems (2) PureSpark PurpleDuckss Pyr0 qaswasred Queen Reginald the III QueenSeester quick Raiden raindelia Raizerburn Ram RamVan Real reaper317 Reaperrdnk reddmann867 Redmond Redot Redshirt Retsef_Liob ReverseShadow RichBlackMan Rikkirose Rintintin Ripcity Ripx robert_harju Ryanator Ryan_Light RyuuDestiny Samsa! SAPPHIRE (2) Schwa (2) Se7enthSil7er SecretAsianMan Semideus Seoul Food Shadezblood ShadoZerg Shadysky shaneduce Silent-Jedi Silvers4640 sirlance Skitch Slyfox Smileslikeaskull SmoothAwperator snax2k1 Soden Sorimatsu Soul1355 spacewolverine Sparkonoid Sparrow SPARROW Spenbrom (2) Spiketail Sponsor Spooby Spork Sprinkles Squatch SStearnZy Staff StarApollo Starsprite_Fox Stone storm Stormstrik3r SulSeeker Sulzanti Supermommy Suren SwaggerVest Syn Synther Syratha Tactical Ice Tanlaan (2) [TB]4K1R4 [TB]B1GGN [TB]BSMODS [TB]H1LB1LLY [TB]J4Cash [TB]Ninjorz [TB]philadeos [TB]Rod (3) [TB]Tink TekLord Telesuh TheEternalRat The Gorton's Fisherman thegreatpeon TheLizardKing TheLizzard The_Reverend ThermalTake (2) TheSacrifice thetruejaster thrustroad ThugPolice Thunderhead861D Tigerballs tildax Tinuviel Toad tommydrum TonyTheHun totden Travis "V2-V3" Jank TricholasNickster TripleThreatMuffin Trumby TushyFace Tweek Twisted (2) Tyrsius Uberflibs Uber_Tiny UDMeat Uncle_taxi untouchableface Vaelin (2) Vector (8) Velmapenguin VisionN VoidingWarranties Voyd w3stwing (2) WALL (6) Walz weableandbob whiskotangee wildcard WolfJet Wolinega WookieeGT Word04 wyster Xena xeromist XNavyman503 XooM Yegof Yeti (2) Yeyverliy zachsilvey Zaraxeon Zezy ZippyCow Zithe89 Zoediak ZoheMonster ZombiePwn Zombie Sheep Zorfus ZOTAC (2) Zubaru (2) zubzero2




$40.00 USD



$40.00 USD



$40.00 USD

Root Beer


$40.00 USD

Sugar Free


$40.00 USD


WolfJet WolfJet WolfJet Pancake Pancake untouchableface untouchableface untouchableface Mugatu Redmond NotListed NotListed NotListed Moogle388 JuiceBox Retsef_Liob obsoletepotato Grampy fEsTiDiOuS tildax tildax LargoSensei Aractor Aractor