PDXLAN November 2014

Hosted by PDXLAN

"PDX November Events" were added in 2007 as our main charity food drive. Taking place when local food banks need donations the most PDX November strives to raise non-perishable foods for local food banks. 400 Gamers earn prizes based on how much food they donate, and earn charity raffle tickets for the charity raffle. PDXLAN encourages gamers to do "micro drives" within their circles of friends, family, and co-workers to get food in the weeks leading up to PDX November. The November events are great events to get TONS of gaming in as well as give back to local charity. Events typically sell out about 3 weeks before the event, and raise over 30,000 pounds of food.

Event Menu:

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START: 11-07-2014 06:00PM
END: 11-09-2014 06:00PM

Holiday Inn Conference Center
8439 NE Columbia Blvd
Portland, OR 97220

Pdxlan org main


* (9) 1ceTr0n a7upspot Abe Froman AccidentalPsych ace Adrick a hyper creeper91103 akask8r1 AkiraTea aLYNN amack300 amarsaudon AMD (2) arkenox aRmPaGe Arylea AtomicFish Atticus azngalahad B1GGN Baggins Balax barbkevitch BartenderBar bd4gs Beatdown Belle bendvis BioHazard BitTwist Bjeweld blkplg13 BlueZebra Bo Boadicea bpill braNimal Brav0Fox BrotherBaoGe BS Mods Buckaroo Burnsey c0sMyc CalaveraLivesOn Cannonburn CARAMELLDANSEN! Carl Catspaw (2) Cbiss Celare chaoserver (2) Chill Spider Chubs citizenskippy Clubbed~ ColdFire Contra _CoolHandLuke_ CorndogJoe corpse CrackFarmer Crash (2) CrazyRob Creepy Doll CrouchingGoat Crunch (2) CupcakeQueen Cyreen Dante069 darkterrorz DarthBeavis (2) DashTrash DAYO DeadGuy DeathBringer DemonLung0X1A4 derekwarde Desperado Didactic dmaxrickjames DomeShot159 dpill dracokyle Dracopolonium dragonbreathe4u Dr. Ray Pew drrush DrunkMexican dudeman DukeofDingos Eandori Edgecrusher Edsploration Emperor FluffyWhiskers Entry45 Erruana EternalLove ExodiusIX falconpdx Feldorn FelixOctavian fEsTiDiOuS [FM] Mr.Miyuggi [FM] Squiddy forks_dad FoulestPig Frost fuggles Funkids gamestar44 Gh0st Ghudda goliath070 Gonasurvive (2) Govtman (2) Grampy Grompf [GTL]Copperbelt Jack Hannibal Hawkeye headtrauma Heartlessarc hellsap hohokam Hoova Hotrod Reyna Human Hunter HumanShield (2) HydnalX42 Hyf1re InigoMontoyaPTD Inimicalgg ItsMatDev [J5]Courageous [J5]Goldwyn [J5]lilMsAbby [J5]MrGoopy Jake.wease jared_harju JDog (2) Jeep McMuddy JERM JoggernoT Kaiser Kalikkamar kanti_sama KarlHungus Karl Marx Kassamir KatsuKendo Ka_zu_ki Kelerain KidSkidEo11 Killbl4d3 KogaRyu Kraint Kreisher krishein Kryptin Kzooka Lackluster LCPOHerd LeTiger </LIFE> Lil'McMuddy Lily16girl LittleUrbanAchiver Lomilar lord999 LordPandemic Luigi Von Bubbles Mach MaddawgX9 Majes7ic Majorbludd Martini Metric Metricengr Mini mithrildraco Mixle Mizenlemur Moogle388 Moosome Mouse MozartK2 Mr.Fun (2) MrGooby Mr.Q MsCrockett Mushoku (2) MyLittlePwny Myworstfear n33nj4 NatterZane Neverlast nickscupofwords Nicodemus Nighthawks Nikkidoodle Nitemayr NKrader Noonan NotListed (2) Notoes no_u Noyoko NSP85 NVIDIA (6) P3rsi@n_Boy Pahshee Palaver Panch0 Pansy PAR8 pdXjoe pdXjoey PennyWise Pestilence Philedeos Plus10 PoldaSauce Psychosis23 psymonp PurpleD Pyro QWERTYHusky RamRod Reaper42 Redmond Redmondkc ReiFlexx RE Spartan Retsef Rintintin Ripx RJ robert_harju Rondon Roscoe RunCMD RyoukoBoi SailorMoon Sapphire (2) schmiddy Schwa SeanT Semideus shadorunner shaneduce (2) Shazbot ShibbyLord shlub Skurvy Pirate SleepyOgre Slyfox Sn34ky SnapplePro snax SneakRhead Snow White Sorimatsu sponge888 Sponges Sprinkles Square10002002 Stabby (2) Stone Storm Stradius Streetmitch Sulzanti Suntzu t0stEEz Tactical Ice Tancredo15 Tanker Tat2faerie [TB]4K1R4 [TB]Cootkilla [TB]Gatheris [TB]Ninjorz [TB]Rod (2) [TB]Sk0l The Boot TheRaven42 ThermalTake (2) TheShadow TheZlog ThugPolice Tildax Tildee TinyTina3 tomcat trumby (2) Tweek UDmeat Uncle_taxi V2V3 Vaelin VanilaTek Vector (41) vrtrasura Vvgamepro w3stwing Welcome2TheJam whiskotangee wildcard Will WingSprinter word04 Worganas wwwatson XNavyman503 xX_Pen.Is.Man_#BlazeIt#420_Xx ytsohptwhere Z3R0 GT zekezander Zithe89 Zoediak (2) ZoneDancer (2) ZSGortan Zubaru (2)