PDXNovember 2016 [SOLD OUT]

Hosted by PDXLAN

Welcome to the PDXLAN November 2016 Ticket System.
For more information about the event, check the TABS above.

About PDX November:
"PDX November Events" were added in 2007 as our main charity food drive. Taking place when local food banks need donations the most PDX November strives to raise non-perishable foods for local food banks. 500+ Gamers earn prizes based on how much food they donate, and earn charity raffle tickets for the charity raffle. PDXLAN encourages gamers to do "micro drives" within their circles of friends, family, and co-workers to get food in the weeks leading up to PDX November. The November events are great events to get TONS of gaming in as well as give back to local charity. Events typically sell out about 3 weeks before the event and raise over 60,000 pounds of food.

Ticket transfers past October 26th will be $25
Make sure the information on each ticket matches the person sitting in that seat.

The PDXLAN NOV Schedule can be found via Steam HERE after Oct 31st 2016

START: 11-04-2016 06:00PM
END: 11-06-2016 05:00PM

Holiday Inn Conference Center
8439 NE Columbia
Portland, OR 97220

Pdxlan org main

The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.


1andOnly ^2AppleJacks 2Legit 3iv. abitofkyra (2) AccidentalPsych Adonia AkiraTea alex711 aLYNN Alzakar amack300 AMD (2) An9e11 Ando andr01d420 Angel Anime-Wh0re ApplePi Aquanius aRmPaGe ArtilleryShell Arylea A Sneaky Snake Atli1833 Atomsk Aurelius AuxxZillary awwchrist AxelXBC Axuix AzrielOTE B1GGN B4rent Babyjesus Backstroke Baconhawk (2) Balax Baldwolf Balice Barbkevitch Bear Shark BeastlyTyler Beefcake361 BenderIsGreat_01 BenderIsGreat_02 BenderIsGreat_05 Beth.schuff bhildebrandt Bhizzl3 Bidimus Big Biggdadd71 BioHazard Bjeweled Bloodcrow BloodlessGecko BloodPhoenix Bogey bpill Brackenz Brianjacobpage Brooksey8184 brookseyanoky Bryanbelee BSD.Menace BS Mods bstdhalo (2) BurlySterlie Cable Guy CalamityDoge CandleJack captain america CaptainJack6 carn3_a5ada Carnosaur Catspaw Catspaw_2 Cbiss cglaske Chakacat Chaos (2) ChatNoir CHEF_MD Chillirainbo ChillSpider chubs chubs_2 ChunksRU citizenskippy cja2001 ColdFire commanderdog Cordesh CordogJoe correndel CreativWan Crunch Crunch2 Cubbage1 Cubbage2 Cucamunga Cuff66 cyreen05 Daisyli0n Dajugga Damerios daredevilmonkey Darian Daring Doge darkoldraco darkstar59102 DashTrash DeathBringer DeathBringer_2 deathdealer decripple Delta-Bravo Desperado DevilishBooster Dgephri Didactic DigitalMidget DingoEatingFuzz DjangoPhett23 djjerme dmaxrickjames dpill DragonBreathe4U Dragonphreak Drange drazool Dreamviper Dr.Rom1331 DrunkMexican Drykk (2) dumbfire DurzoLRZ EatFresh Edgecrusher Edhead ElectricEmu Elisium147 Elmy (2) emzeemoe Emzlo Entyse ErgonomicQ ermacnsteez Eruanna eskimosurfer EventHorizon evrowe ExodusIX Febris FelixOctavian fenster Flareburn forks.dad Fr0stbyte Fractal (5) Fractal-Design (10) Frumple Nuts g3l gamestar44 (2) Geekgurl GenoBob Ghostwalker Ghostwalker_2 Gloriousrage goodgrimes Govtman Govtman_2 Grampy Grompf Guyondacouch hadninelives Hawkeye Headtrauma Hello_Kitty HellSap HeyFringe Hineybuns hobbseltoff Hortzka HotrodReyna HumanHunter HumanShield HydnalX42 Hyf1re Hypnos1986_01 Hypnos1986_02 iGetzPants iMax Incident Incident_2 Infektion InMySights Irish j3silvers JanMichaelVincent16 jared_harju Jatayu JDog jeffnix33 jerm JesusWithAnAK jmtrzc Joker808 Joker808_2 jrenner24 Kalikkamar Kamiyama Kamiyama_2 kanti_sama KaoKing13 KarlHungus Kassamir KatsuKendo Ka_zu_ki Keeblerdot72 Kelerain Keysftw Keytira Kiarku Kidglock01 Killbo Swagginz Killer_Shroom Killer_Shroom_2 King_God_Of_Flames Kionos _knot_ Knuttz Korndezee Koromoth Kraint Kylekiller2003 Ladarios Ladybug LastTigerEyes lazybandgeek Lead Crucifix </LIFE> LittleBidi Loaf Logan_RTW LolaBunny lord999 Lord HAV0K LordPandemic Lotus_dragon2 LupusTheThird Lykinn lyseuser m0sesx M3silvers MaDmArTiGaN MagicTurtle MagnificentBeard MajorBeefTaco MalachiOTE Manga_minded masolik Mati MaverickShotPro mdprice1 MetricENGR [MG] SpanglerNation Michelle MikezBikez Mikfoz Mini MissRachel mizenlemur mmanis Moogle388 Moondoggie Moondoggie_2 Moosome Mountainside Mouse MPHopcroft MrKoshNaranek MrQ (2) MrsCitizenSkippy Mushoku MyGunzRJurassic Mynok Nagusaki Naphine Nawal Nemoway Nighthawks Nihilist Ninjorz Nitemayr nocrates Noky Noobwantshacks NotListed Notoes Notoes_2 NVIDIA (6) Nykizta Olethros oneslypig Op4ArcticFox Pahshee (2) Pancake Pandalore Panikstriken ParadoxInc Pastafarian pclem35 pdXjoe PDXSTAFF (26) peersu PelvicSorverer Pen.Is.Man PennyWise Ph4tL3wt81 PhiladelphiaCollins Philly picnicolas pig_slyer PinchNWiggle Piroglith Plus10 popltree Praze Prexium01 Princessjackie psyberian (2) Psychosis23 PTMScratch Pvtryn pz qaswasred Quantum_one Quikk QWERTYHusky Rabenschwarz Ramirez RamRod raybdbomb Reaper317 (2) Reaper42 Redmond ReiFlexx Renegade Retro Retsef_Liob rintintin Ripx robert_harju roboto RocketPig Rondon Rondon_2 Roscoe rustyzipper S7373N SabrielD SanityIsALie Sapphire (2) sarg J0sh Schafted361 Schwa Scotty ScubaSteve ShadeSLYR Shadisky Shadowwolf16 shaneduce Shenanigans Shimmer shk shlub shonenrek ShReaper Signet Silvers4640 Sketch skitch Skoobydoo3 Skyberdyne SkyWarp Slyfox smileslikeaskull Smitty6000 SmoothAwperator (2) Snakeeyes975 Snax snipun soccershoes somegeek Sorimatsu Soul1355 Soybean (2) spacewolverine Spartan SpicyBaconator spiketail sponge888 Spooby Sprinkles static311 StonedDragon42 storm sturdius SulSeeker Sulzanti Sunstrouckel Surasal Suren sweezy Synther tab Tactical Lama Talux Talyrius Tanlaan Tarianpdx [TB]4k1r4 [TB]Rod [TB]Rod_2 Tecchie_01 Tecchie_02 TekLord TekLord_2 Telesuh Teromee Thedamonking TheeAndres The Fury thejoelhansen therealdeal723 Thermaltake (2) thetruejaster The_Wiz (2) ThugPolice Tigerballs tigerstorms tildax TimmyTechTV Toson TripleThreatMuffin Trozz trumby Twisted twolf12 uchuujinsan untouchableface Vaelin vertigo2720 Voronex Vortex voyd (2) vrtrasura Vvgamepro Vvgamepro1 weezle101 whiskotangee wildcard (2) wilko Will Worganas Xenagogue (2) XpinkNW zachsilvey Zaraxeon zduell Zoediak Zoediak-2 Zubaru (2) zubzero2 ZurkeyDurkey Zyriel