Spring 2019 (Sold Out)

Hosted by PDXLAN

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Welcome to the PDXLAN Spring 2019 Ticket System.

Please select your seat below to get started.

Please remember, there are no refunds, but you can transfer your seat free of charge up until 1 week before the event. Ticket transfers past this time will be $25.00

** Ticket transfer / editing cutoff is 3/14/2019 @ 10pm **
**Parking passes will be sold only at the door for $20.00**

- 1/2 of a 6' table, approximately 36" wide, and 30" deep
- 3.75 amps power max
- LAN Network & Internet Access
- Chair if you need one (You may bring your own)
- Entry into Tournaments (Follow instructions at event)
- Entry into Contests (Follow instructions at event)
- Two raffle tickets per person (not per seat)
- 4 day access to event

START: 03-21-2019 06:00PM
END: 03-24-2019 05:00PM

Clark County Event Center - Hall A
17402 NE Delfel Rd
Ridgefield, WA 98642


The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.


00Gizmo 0shi0ki abitofkyra Abysmal Specter aCe AchillesZeal ACoD Aegaeon Affey AGirl ajcdrift ajcollver Akroma_86 alberttran AlbinoGK Aleo05 (2) Alexander The Great AlGore Aligeric88 Allisha Alpha alphatoaster Alzakar Amichuth Ammonex An9e11 Andarta andrew_led AngelFire Angerprone AnimeMetalhead Anime-Wh0re apasupul aremboldt Arex aRmPaGe Arthon (2) Arylea aSquawkNmoose Athian A Tiny Snackrifice AToMx81 ATrinket Audial AutumnAura AVRoscoe Awsomedude awwchrist AyamaWolfDemon B1GGN B3NNY8 Backstroke badapples BadBunny07 Bajamba (2) BA Juggernaut Balax Bandit_GLAD barrons BattBoy Beefcake361 Beezlebrox BenHello777 Bennyboozle Bennyboy BestKouhai Bethypls bhizzl3 BigCrone BigFatBaconPig Biggdadd70 Biggdadd71 BigTWebb Bigwoo BilgeRat Bingus BitchyPoo Blackcattrio Blakjak13 BlitzBolt Bludbro2 Blueogre007 Bluewolf0068 B-Money Bmramey Bobloblaw (2) BocaniciuDude Boddaker Boogs227 Booth 1 Booth 2 Booth 3 Booth 4 Booth 5 Boraa BradRapidTv BreezyDabCity BreezyOhio Brick989 Broskitty Brutalocalypse (2) BS Mods Bulk like Hulk BurlySterlie ButNotZee Buzinski Buzzdome C1inty C1utch Cable Guy CalamityDoge cam_wheel Capn Capy Carnosaur Cars Catspaw CedesGrace Celassin Ch3lzbear cHaOserveR (2) Chip Chip_2 chubbzilla chubs Cincy Ciriuss citizenskippy clamdip CleverComic Cloudhands Coinrun Conqure Coronita33 corygL CrazyRob CreativWan crexy (2) CrownBishop Crunch CStJohn Cubbage Cultist CurlyKi CyberCrist cynoclast D13^ D3ssy DABEARS0014 Daddy's Princess Daden (2) DadNate DaenV Dang'ck DannyRanger dariennemeow Darkain Darkseid Darkseid_2 Darksideofme darkstar59102 Daze.e DeathBringer (2) Death chef Dee Deku DemonessLeria DemonsMaster DeNogginizer DeskPop DeviousBOB Dgephri Dhardrian Didactic Dilbobeandip DingoEatingFuzz Dink dislecksick DisposableGod dogsong Double D Doughboy Dragonbreathe4u Dragonphreak dragontamer DrKurtabreaker Droodsy DrunkMexican Drunk Monk DudeMcBacon duofand1991 Dura Dygeto Dyna Eaglei113 eatfresh EchoJumper Edgecrusher Edlun El Fang ElianaStar Elisium147 Elmy (3) Elogost emile emzeemoe Emzlo Endo22 enemabulldozer Equinearcher83 ErgonomicQ eric333 Eruanna eskimosurfer EternalLove Evil_Sacrament Exeia Eyfura (2) EzCheez360 fallenstar Fatroids Febris fennekin1759 Fev Fibbi Fission Flindoogin Flipluck Flux Foolgroove foon Foreskryn forks.dad FoxiFoxy Frakkedup_1 Frakkedup_2 FreakyBigFoot FredOnFyre FriendRenegade fuhloizle Funsizedspaz furball22 GaaraxNaruto gameRevX GamingGlory Gangringo gapple gardian06 Gats Gawdemode Gazorpazorpfield GenoBob (2) GermanicOgre Ghost ghostblazer7 Ghostwalker Ghostwalker_2 Girf GK Glokmarr Gn4rkillz Gnathonic Godfry Golanth goldin Govtman Govtman_2 Grampy Gremlin_FLG Grimshak grizzly grokery Grompf GrumpyOldMan Grunt GTIJOE07 Guaranteed95 Gunho GunShyCandy Gunsmith Guyondacouch Gyelle H1LB1LLY Hakabane Hakuoro Handjobs4Jesus Hangman happyham Harbinger186 Hawkeye Hawtrikkugirl16 Hayden HayMak3r hcollider Headtrauma Headtrauma_2 Heartfire HellSap hewatana hexx HeyFringe Hezimoe HiddenBullet556 Hindburg HkKenny hobbseltoff Hoody1147 Horvaticus (2) HouseOfPrimeRib HumanHunter HydnalX42 Hyf1re Hypnero Icepacker idahograd08 iiFinalShotii Ikaros16 ImagineWagon InfestdSeuss InMySights Invariant IronKeeper13 Irosuri Itsnicolebee ItzZueS Jacen Tharen Jack Jacob Has Moves jadamowicz Jake.PDX Jameloaf Jarro Jazla JDog JediLilly626 Jefroshay Jefroshay jeshie jeshie JKnasiak JoJo Joker808 Jonesy josie758 Josie758 Jotun JumpyWizard JustWingIt Kabraxus KafkaEsquire Kain Kalark Kamerad Kanos Kaokhen kaos Kassamir KatsuKendo kctheman kdawgca K-Dub-Bango Kedamonah Kellsbells Kevin_M1 Kev Kanos Keytira kfurrow Khytrek Kid_Outcast Killabone69 Killaton KillerKaz Killer_Shroom Kirigi KiroKnightbow Kiroshima Kirticis Kitheren Kohide kolmach KomotoDragon999 Konges konyption Koolade99 Korndezee_1 Kraint Kraszmyl Kraszmyl_2 Kraszmyl_3 krazygkid Kreigspieln Krisiant2005 Kurrbee kurtrussel L1vya l3db3tt3r LadyFox LadyMae Landon32186 Largo law LazyCrazyJoe lcsdarkangel LeeHarvey81 Leethowitz leg1on LegoFoxes LeroyPorkins Lesserpanda lil_DoGG Lilstormborn Linkage LittlePants Lizonya (2) LoneWolfAlex Lordofdeath212 Lorelei Lotus_dragon2 Ltbobtuna LucasAW LuckyLaynie Lummornus Lykiin Lynx2Xero MaDmArTiGaN MagicTurtle MajorBeefTaco Malino Manimal marnold matrix4790 Mauvster Maya mdprice1 Mechfire MeLikeBigBoom Memody (3) Miccix Michi MiguelTaco MikezBikez MilesO'Koch milkytaco milkytaco_2 MiniOgre Mirk Mjohnson888 MommaSammu Monkey32607 Moondoggie Moon.GG Moose Moosome Mordred MotherFox Mouse MrBlueIt MrDream MrsCitizenSkippy MrSlipperHat MrSquirrel MrsSpartan Mudafuga Murizani Mushoku MustardGal mwyes MXstopper Mylies43 Mynok My_Outlet Mzcincy NakedMansRage namaste949x420 NatterZane Nawal nawghty_DoGG NeedyPigeons NestorPrimo Never Bet Against Space Korea NickMarine NightFox Ninja Coffee inc. Nitemayr notdisliked NotListed Notoes Notoes_NetworkCore Notoes_NetworkSwitch NRP|Karl Marx nunabug NWPixel Ob1knby obsoletepotato Obstructor OldGregg Ol'Ironguts onehotbastard oneslypig OneValdBajina Onyx Oreo_racer Oria Overwheat PacifistRiot Pahshee Pahshee_2 Pancake Pansy Parallax patchesmcdoogal PDXfortune PelvicSorcerer PennyWise Pestilence Ph4tL3wt81 Phonii Phuzzywaffles pig_slyer PIPI08 (2) Pitbull55 PlasmaRenegade PortalGun_MARK2 Poseidank Post Pr0F4t Praze (4) princeofreapers prism Projector_1 Projector_2 Psunami psyberian Puma86 PunchTheNads PureSpark PwnageBeast Pyrovec qaswasred QueenKatherine99 QueenSeester Quetzal Qwertyhusky R3DD3VlL Ragingterror Raiden RainbowFarts Raisa Rally the Cheetah Ramirez Ramponer RapLords560 Rbozd realleet reaperrdnk Reddlace Redmond Redot RedRumNCoke Reebel Reiyn (2) Renegade rEplicant_rEject Retro RetroJ3000 Retsef_Liob RhinoxBM RichReaper RiddleSmit Rifle297 Rikkirose Ripcity RoboDeer roboto Rocket Rocketdog RocketPig Rondon Ronin RothJamison Rover 0ne RoyaltheMaster rtrons rubix (2) Ryma Ryyics S7373N Saeka Sagebell Sairo Sami54 Sammi Samoya Sandals SanityIsALie Savvymittens SawButt Scarlet Rain Schlagwerk Schwa ScootyPuffJr Scoutmasta SeiferE4 Send_Nudez Seoul_Glo Setonos Shadezblood Shadisky ShadowWraith Shoenbreaker Shoey ShootingBlanks Shortyx79 Shujinkou Silver Slug17 Siphry SirGalahad SirOptimist SITRUCX Siyte5000 Sketch skitch SkorcherX Skrappy SkuhDawn414 SkyBenz slackup SlapJackSniper Slaughter SleepyOgre SleepyOgre_2 Slippo Smellslikecatpoo smileslikeaskull snax Socialoutcast Sohcahtoa82 Someguyrb Sorimatsu Sortac Soul1355 Soybean (2) Space_Sushi SpaghettiGod Spartan sponge888 Sprinkles Staff (26) StarSeed69 StaryRose (2) Steegz stellarbeth Stepherbot Stone storm Stormstrik3r Streaky Bacon StuckHead Styxiedust Sulzanti Sulzanti_2 supakoopa85 superaaronj Superman25 SuperT Suren Suren_2 Surpher805 Swanson Swatkinator Swayson SweetsMarauder Synister SysShtDwn T-3524 Taaxi Tabulargypsy Tactical Ice Tactical Llama Talisman Talme TankPig Tanlaan TAZ [TB[4k1R4 [TB]Rod [TB]Rod_2 [TB]Tink Tecchie Teemo Teena tekdemo TekLord Telesuh TerminalProtocol Termsxofxuse TessaTickles ThaFiveO Thecoolonion TheGirlInTheMoon TheHunter TheLastLaugh The_Mr_Milkyway ThePushStar ThePuzzledEmu The_Reverend Therria thetruejaster The Weasel Thot_Patrol Thrisky Thrydwulf Tiberius tigerstorms tildax Toanuva TofuMaster tommydrum (2) totden Tournament Area Trimstin TripleThreatMuffin Trixman tr_nks trumby trumby_2 TruSpeed Tulock turbopenguin TushyFace Tuxedo Marx Twitch Tykei421 Ubersmok Uncle_Taxi Unkle_Touchy untouchableface vadgru Vadnais Vaelin Varnn Venmas VenomScythe9 vertigo2720 VickyToreo Viper vittoneloke Viz VoggNogg vonEagle Voronex Vortex Vortexel Vulgareye vw06gli Vykeen VZA WAFFLE.exe Wandering0ne watashinicksan Waterless Wellis21 westo22 Wet Dingus WheresOswaldo Whip_Lash whiskotangee (2) wildcard WildFelix wmcbane WOKE Wolfgarb Wolinega WyohKnott xArtorias Xethren xKro XooM xXSweetMeetXx Xzandelta Yelkrab Yung Phillup Zax0n Zazue zekezander Zelots01 Zemeni Zenko ZeroCool Zoediak Zoediak_2 ZoneDancer Zorfus Zubaru Zubaru_2 Zudo ZurkeyDurkey zvovchik