Vector LAN 7 (Sold Out)

Hosted by PDXLAN

Vector LAN Events are for the LAN "Purist" who like LAN parties that have no announcements, no contests, just time to game. In addition these events have a no-host bar in the room where attendees can have cocktails or beer and wine. Vector LAN tickets come with TWO vouchers. Vouchers are good for house wine, beer, cider, or well-drink cocktails. Vector LANs also have Cereal LAN which is where attendees bring a box of their favorite cereal and put it on a table for all to share. PDXLAN buys the milk.

Origin: Providing game codes to all attendees

Comcast: Providing business class 1GB internet to the LAN

Monster: Providing energy drinks for the weekend

Intel: Processors and Nucs!


Crucial: DDR4 RAM

Thermaltake: RIING Fans!

START: 04-15-2016 06:00PM
END: 04-17-2016 05:00PM

Holiday Inn Conference Center
8439 NE Columbia Blvd
Portland, OR 97220

Vec lan top left
Veclan top right
Veclan bot left
Veclan main top
Vec lan main bottom

The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.


Aluion aLYNN andr01d420 Angelicfox Arylea Atreides Axuix Azezial Baldwolf BenderIsGreat BenderIsGreat_2 BenderIsGreat_3 Big Bluidvxn B-Lund BSD.Crysilus BSD.Menace BumpasaurusX BunnyLuv Calm Ninjas Carver Catspaw Catspaw_2 Cbiss Chae Checkmate Chillirainbo chubs chubs_2 citizenskippy citizenskippy_2 CorndogJoe corpse CPTMULLER CpuZapper (3) CrackFarmer Criffer Critter Crunch Crunch_2 Cubbage Cubbage_2 CupcakeQueen Cyberdyne Darkseid DarkshadE DarthMaynard deathdealer Deathe Demented DeviousB0B Dgephri digitalmidget (2) DisgruntledPanda Edgecrusher emzeemoe eXtine Felaris ferris Fluxfire FrznTek g3l Grampy Grndnpnd HANNIBAL HazeGeeds hezimo hobbseltoff hohokam Hotrod Reyna Hung Wei Lo Hypnos1986 Hypnos1986_2 icecoldelf Ico iMax iPestilence Irbs Izzycoyote Jack JadedJasper Jatayu JB JERM JP1CK jwestbury K3Y53RS0Z3 Kaoking13 KatsuKendo Ka_zu_ki Keeperton keithretrac Kelerain Keytira Kiarku (2) Killer_Shroom _knot_ komakino Kryanwan L2D2 LabKat LastTigerEyes Lord Ramirez Lupusthethird M3silvers madmartigan Maleante Masterof4s mattsovich mdprice1 MediævalM MGRiley Mic-C Mini mojotooth Moogl388 Mouse Mugatu NekelLuna Nerfherder Network Gear Nighthawks Nightwolf Nilana Nitemayr NotListed Noyoko Number_Seven onlinemarty Othello Paals Pahshee Pancake Panquakes Paradox parkour86 Payback Pciber pdXjoe PDX STAFF (17) Pelvic_Sorcerer Ph4tL3wt81 Pheesomething Pickles Piroglith PNWFutureRN27 Polaris Pozchi psyberian Psychosis23 QueenSeester QWERTYHusky Redot Reluctanse Renegadeballoon Retro Retro Retsef_Liob rickbau5 Rievnn Rikkirose robert_harju Rogue Rondon RoostrC0gburn rustyzipper RyvenZ SabrielD saks Sanctos31 Sapporo Jones Scratch Se7en209 Sephiron SherlockPwns shimmer Silvers4640 Skittles SleepyOgre Somegeek somethingcool Soybean (2) SpaceDuck Space_Mtn_WOOO spacewolverine Spooby SpoonFeD (2) Sprinkles Squatch Squatch_2 storm Stradius Sulseeker Sulzanti Suren Tanker TechnoVeg teideal (2) tested2comply TheManRaptor Therros thetruejaster TINMAN tjbenator $t@T][c TTM untouchableface Vaelin Vecmented Vector (3) Velenge Vonwoah Vvgamepro whiskotangee wilko WolfJet Word04 Xatie Xenagogue Xenu xPheonix X-Ray-Chick youthlagoon ZaUcY ZoneDancer Zubaru Zubaru_2