Vector LAN 8 (Sold Out)

Hosted by PDXLAN


You can always check the Ticket Exchange to see if someone is selling their ticket.

Vector LAN Events are for the LAN "Purist" who like LAN parties that have no announcements, no contests, just time to game. In addition these events have a no-host bar in the room where attendees can have cocktails or beer and wine. Vector LAN events have a bar where you can buy your own drinks. Vector LANs also have Cereal LAN which is where attendees bring a box of their favorite cereal and put it on a table for all to share. PDXLAN buys the milk.

START: 04-07-2017 06:00PM
END: 04-09-2017 04:00PM

Holiday Inn Conference Center
Holiday Inn Conference Center, 8439 NE Columbia Blvd
Portland, OR 97220

Vec lan top left
Veclan top right
Veclan bot left
Veclan main top
Vec lan main bottom

The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.


^2AppleJacks AccidentalPsych Alatriyana aLYNN Alzakar andr01d420 Angel Arylea AtomicFish Atreides AvgJoe BadBunny07 Bae Baldwolf Beans Big Biggdadd71 BioHazard Bluidvixin bpill Bubbles BurlySterlie carn3_a5ada Catspaw (2) Cbiss chubs chubs_2 CitizenSkippy CrackFarmer Critter Crunch Crunch_2 Cubbage (2) Cupcakequeen CurlyKi cyreen05 DarthMaynard decripple Delvaler Demented (2) Dgephri DingoEatingFuzz Dioxin DisgruntledPanda djjerme Domidore dpill Drahkreher Dr. MacKay drrush Edgecrusher Edsploration enthusedshark Entyse EQWoody ErgonomicQ eskimosurfer europeanballer Fozzymuphet (2) FunkyBassBuddy Ghkjddu Gloriousfury (3) Govtman Govtman_2 Grampy (2) Gregorgoth606 grokery Grompf Gygax (2) Handle_2 HANNIBAL Harabec hobbseltoff Hyf1re Jadokun jaybirdosaurusrex Jefroshay jerm joslynesser Kassamir Keebs Kelerain Keytira Kiarku kilese KillerSMF007 Killlbl4d3 _knot_ komakino Koromoth Kraint Kry Kuwaiti LadyFox LazyBandGeek LeTiger Leviathan LilRaindrop lord999 LÜcky Majes7ic ManiacalManikin Mati MCHOV metaljeff (2) Metric MetricENGR Mic-C Miccix Michelle milkytaco Mini mizenlemur Moogle388 Moondoggie Moondoggie_2 Mouse MrsCitizenSkippy Muffon Button Myworstfear Nagusaki NightFox Nighthawks Nitemayr Notice Me Senpai Notoes Number_Seven Odogg007 ot41is Pancake Pancho PBLC Pciber pdXjoe PDX-STAFF (20) Pestilence PhiladelphiaCollins Phoilson pikerd Piroglith (3) Pointguard Polaris Predator Psychosis23 Pvtryn pz QueenReginaldIII QWERTYHusky Radoc rainmanjam Rakosman Ramirez Reluctanse Renegade Renegadeballoon Retro Retsef_Liob Rikkirose rillz robert_harju Rogue Rondon Rondon_2 RyvenZ Season_01 SenatorGrape Shadisky shaqtus101 Shibbs ShReaper Signet Skippy Skrappy Skurvy Pirate SleepyOgre SloppyNapkin snoozer somegeek somethingcool Sorimatsu Soul1355 spacewolverine Spartan SpitRabbit Sprinkles SpunkyEnigma StonedDragon42 storm Sulzanti (2) Suren Suren_2 sweezy t0st0 Tanker TheeAndres TheManRaptor (2) TheMattster thetruejaster TheTutcher Thrydwulf Tiberius Toilet Clogger tommydrum (2) twolf12 TxTurbo Ubersmok udmeat underscore_fred untouchableface Vaelin Vaelin2 Valhallanguitar Vector (2) vertigo2720 Waddles WolfJet Xenagogue Xenu xpheonix X-Ray-Chick XullioS (2) Zato Zildjian Zoncrow ZoneDancer ZSGortan Zubaru ZurkeyDurkey