PONG Galacta-LAN 2023

Hosted by People’s Organization of Network Gaming

Get ready for blast off! PONG's second LAN is here! Join us in the MSC Great Hall and Ballrooms for a 48 hour LAN event full of games, tournaments, prizes, and space-themed fun galore!

PONG LANs are hosted in the Great Hall and Ballrooms on the 2nd floor of the Memorial Student Center at UW-Stout in Menomonie, WI.

Event Schedule has been posted to PONG Discord.

Tournament Sign-Ups are available on PONG's Challonge.

START: 11-17-2023 04:00PM
END: 11-19-2023 04:00PM

The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.


(3) 10TheDragon 1badusername AlfredWhereIsBurrito AlphaRay Amerinet4221 Armatage astrosparks BadCabbage BenPommes BrokePods bumblevee (2) captaincookie72 Carp9969 Catshup Cervellis Charlie chip53 Chri2992 Coeus Darkened Dingusmcpingus72 DragonBones176 Dragonking DragonQuest03 Drawman DumpsterDan EricAlvin Ethan feo5581 FrostByte Fultz funnyboy044 Funshine Galactometer Givo goldkenway GoldNCaliber Gortthesnort Grubbysauce Gulfbones huntyoera04 Hyrakan Icosore IvUsaur JalPewPew Jawsh (19) JCWILD1 Jebbles jessies Jsnake333 Kara kinker31 Komasangamer Konvix (2) KoopaQueen lilchemo LiquidTick LoudWombat lukasnax (3) Man I Love Frogs Mega_Cold MeowMuncher Mold MythicNoelle n0stal6ic Nadeshiiko Nanothemercy Neptune NichConst Oatmeal OctoPuX onlylonely Otterstone (2) OwenRammel (2) Payton People's Organization of Network Gaming (5) pinheadtf2 PistolRcks Prizma Red207 RussellFrey Scheidler_shyguy (3) Scorb SearedFlame seengleec ShadowAPI Silvercaptin227 Soupladd Sp2icy Speedy446 Sprocket SteelJaw Srove SSIIMMPPLLYY Starthein (2) stealthysock Taco395 tazzyman26 TheChr0nical themagicbeans TKommando TMatty TOGFSP Trianull (2) UnseenUniverse vampyre-punx Vertiar Yakivich YammyShep Zinneko