Hosted by People’s Organization of Network Gaming

Our first LAN of the year. The EXPO is a great event with prizes, tournaments, and events. This is event is open to the public.

If you take up more than 1 seat we will remove all your seats.

Note: if you sit in the exec tables and are not an exec of PONG, you will not have that seat.

Tournaments can be found at Challonge
here: http://ponguw-stout.challonge.com/

START: 09-22-2017 04:00PM
END: 09-24-2017 04:00PM

Great Hall and Ballrooms of the Memorial Student Center
105 Memorial Student Center
Menomonie, WI 54751

The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.


(2) 2HandChip 4yroh Agent-Traitor Ahrisibae ajszero Albanna albinojoe Alistairtang Alkaline Allenial Amadeus amatt246 Angel Ren AnticRelict App Aquira Armatage Asmodeus Asrin5 BabyGiraffe BaddyLeague barrett7212 Baxtab13 bean Benjaa Bernie Blabooer Blissy Boi BrackOsama BradMVP BreadCrusher BreakinHorizon Bryzago Call1eLinux Casethegod CDNTL Chaotic Synergy ChaozAgent Cheno (11) Cheno's +1 CheshireGame ChiefMagnum Christy989 ColdCitysBlood CometCake CreateNoble3 Cruzmaster D3structiveDude DaFLYINMONKEY dagoose darkpiggy73 darkpiggy74 Daszem123 DAznGamer Deadeye del009 Deluxecow dexvision Dickson-Ice Disenchanted Dolphingirlelk Dorede Dr34d DragonBlade drake3482000 drwasup dumpstersoap Dustles Edna Elric Epicmondeum17 er1c5 erik29gamer Etanu FlamingWarBunnies Flappyhumbug foenixblaze Fogwin23 Foxingtin FreeFee Frisky senpai Frothywalrus Funsize Funyun galnier GarrettK24 Ghibliprincess19 gingerbean GirlieGirl69 God of Fear goldenacorn93 goofygooberboys GreenRanger Grimdle HatchetAxe HELL YEA, I'M FEELING IT HELL YEA, I'M FEELING IT Hi_Im_Chewy Hipstagram Homie Nick Huckletoon Huhnke hypermush Ike70775 ImmortalFire InnerTri Its_Stewie JacobMew Jaded Emperor JaxAx1k jball007 Jedi JimBone Jinix16 JJT_Awesome JohnSm jolson234 Joshalo Joxy jtfroh Jub8Jub JuicePress karrjm Kave_in KaZonienZiZ kbk Keeki95 KelticShadowStar Kevin Kimmykangaroo KingGold KitsuneFire Kiwano Kiwi KKing KNS.IV Krohnium (2) KunaiQueen Kyperus Lautrec LazyElite ledfloyd85 LemonLimeLife LionBlade Livelylazer lolroflpie Lone_Alpha LordByron LuckyRed Lybet012 M14X Madcow Magic Fish Majora Mark MasterofMindz Maximus mctit MemorexPrime Miamarra Midnight misterkevon Moose Taco motleylue86 Mrcman001 MrHelloman mrjarosz MrUnholyBus MtVidya Muffinoota NamePendingApproval Nat NaviTorucMakto Nedd NeonWinter Nesh Newaxel Noc NotQuiteZombie Ogre From Shrek Omega PapaGrande95 Papa Scorch PatMcGroin132 Pawnzilla PestoTornado Pidgeon Pizzabash PsychicQueen26 PvS|Dan$ RadicalKramer ratboy RavingPenguin Razor RealFakeDoors ReBand44 Reesemoore65 Rekpoint Resqect Retrem Rexburger RodrigoBurrito Rohde97 rolof RomBom1Wolf Rosesareice rossjh RUBIX Rubyyoshi Salenerrr Salt Explosion Salvo SBLAJ SBLCommish Scotch Sepio61 Sghf5 ShadowHunterx Siegrane SinisterBeyblade SinisterGhoul SkorZany Slowertrain Smigglze snomss sodakid1919 somethingstupid Sonez soulboundx sp4cepugs SpaceWhale sparklesheep Spegooter Spiffy Splinter Squidfeet st3viray stegerrob SuburbanJ SupBroseph superflyrabbi Sven (2) Swordandmace TeeVee TestedGnu theasterguy thedhowe The Iron Lung The Iron Lung's +1 TherminatorX TheSaladDragon Think2wice Thirty thisisphilip Tjvan TKommando tnwog Tomska91 Treeclimber8 troynels1999 TurboMiata Turtlez Tycho TyDaHabbie Tyranico Utech vampireluvr97 VampyWorm vandevr2 Verdant Vivese8061 Wang WasabiKills (2) Wedc517 WewLad Wyleth Zapex zeddiccus Zenlexi ziablock (2) Zombinie (2)