PONG Forever A LAN 2018

Hosted by People’s Organization of Network Gaming

The Forever A LAN is for those who wish to be with the ones they love on Valentines Day. is a great event with prizes, tournaments, and events. This is event is open to the public.

If you take up more than 1 seat we will remove all your seats.

Note: if you sit in the exec tables and are not an exec of PONG, you will not have that seat.

START: 02-16-2018 04:00PM
END: 02-18-2018 04:00PM

UW Stout Memorial Student Center Great Hall and Ballrooms
302 10th Avenue East
Menomonie, WI 54751

The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.


About_43_Ninjas (2) Acid Aestris (10) ajszero (27) Akouns albinojoe Alkaline Allenial Amadeus amatt246 AnticRelict Armatage autumn_vah BabyGiraffe badger50100 basedspider BenisTheBepis Benjaa BrackOsama BradMVP Brobelia Butters CallieLinux (10) Change ChaozAgent CheshireGame chickenugget12 Christy989 (8) CoryInTheHouse Cynaptex (3) D3structiveDude darkpiggy73 darkpiggy74 dashman112 Daszem123 Deadeye Deluxecow (6) Desu Vult dexvision Dolphingirlelk Dosh Tronic Dr34d (2) drake3482000 Dustles Edna Elric er1c5 erik29gamer Etanu Evolite findRED FreeFee Frothywalrus Ghibliprincess19 Gingedalf GrillsCosby Grimdle GSlayeR (6) HatchetAxe Helios357 HeroDead Hipstagram Huckletoon IRONTUNA JacobMew Jaded_Emperor jameison (2) jball007 Jinix16 JJT_Awesome (2) Joseph jtfroh Jub8Jub Kekrusader Killer PineTree Kittenmaster3 kiwick KNS.IV (2) Krees KunaiQueen lazarus923 LazyElite ledfloyd85 LongDongSilver LordByron LuckyRed Lybet012 Madadd Majora64 MajorTom Mantequilla MasterofMindz (4) Maxio MAXXXXXXXXXXXXX mbrantner Midnight MightyMouse16 motleylue86 Mrcman001 MrHelloman mrjarosz MrUnholyBus MtVidya Muffin my dad works at cody neCCC Nedd NeinLives NeonWinter Nyrhtac Papa Scorch Pepe :DDD PestoTornado PREDATOR ProfessionalScumbag PvS|Dan$ QFrog (6) Qnomei ratboy RavingPenguin Razerpinecone Razor RealFakeDoors Reaper of Fear Rekpoint (2) ReRun Retrem Rohde97 rolof RomBom1Wolf Ryanjam Salt Explosion Samurai Jack Schnekt sheinisch SinisterBeyblade sirsnek SirThokDing Smiles Smoke sodakid1919 SOLIDSNEK somethingstupid soulboundx (8) sp4cepugs sparklesheep Spegooter Spook_ Suchla19 SuPeR_BiTz Sven theasterguy TherminatorX ThiccVic Thorr74 TNWOG Tominator600 Tomska91 topsnek Trashman Tyranico vandevr2 Verdant Viveret (6) WasabiKills Wiley xerotichf ZabrowskiA Zebrawithwings Zenlexi ziablock Zipzap62 zperez zperez2