PONG Retro LANniversary 2023

Hosted by People’s Organization of Network Gaming

It's the first LAN of 2023 and what better way to celebrate than with the 20th Anniversary of PONG! Not only that, but we’re making it a reunion too! It’s going to be 48 hours of games, fun, and prizes at our retro-themed event!

We accommodate individual and group registration and seating. For group registration, please have ONE (1) member of your party register themselves and all party members.

PONG LANs are hosted in the Great Hall and Ballrooms on the 2nd floor of the Memorial Student Center at UW-Stout in Menomonie, WI.

Event Schedule will be posted to PONG Discord on 02/03/2023.

Tournament Sign-Ups will be available on PONG's Challonge on 02/10/2023.

START: 02-17-2023 04:00PM
END: 02-19-2023 04:00PM


(8) AlfredWhereIsBurrito AmalgamC Amerinet4221 Amodeo Armatage AspenComet Astral✰Spark Astro Atran BassSoul Beezy benthechamp BowserDude BreadCrusher _BubbaT_ CaptainAwsome Carp CasualKingEmy ChaozAgent (2) ChaozAgent (2) ChewyLo Christy989 Chuetou Cloudy Connecting dagoose DaVermenator Destro Destroyer destroyer2189 dexvision Discronic disthename Dosarac DragonBlade Dragonking DrCool69 ElessZero EricAlvin ewpatty ewwpatty (2) Exodus Flyingboy focusdug FrostByte FunnyBoy044 GammaVolantis Geekgothgirl Ghostorio Grandmasterjtg HarsBars HatchetAxe Holsri Horatio hsmithsonian (8) Huckletoon Hyrakan iLLimax Isaac tesch ItsMrRobot IvUsaur Jarmzie JayLo JCWILD1 JewishSheep Jinix16 Karasu KennethCarson Killr Bee KingMii kinker31 KnavemireWedge Kota (3) Kusix Lifelessryan Loading_M_ Loidekol Longblonde LordByron Midnight mkosh11 Murrmalicious Newaxel oliamy24 Otterstone People's Organization of Network Gaming (3) piratecody PistolRcks Poogstein PurpleDragon Raidgenetics804 RaidGenetics804 (2) Razor Red207 Retromancer_9TAD RomBom1Wolf RoseRAID Sandan315 ScaryBear seengleec ShadowRaven ShockWonders Siabquan Smockey22 Soupladd (2) Staryburst1 Stranger SuPeR_BiTz Tazzyman26 theamazingconor theDemolisher13 TNGaming25 Tresan Tyranico UnseenUniverse Veneo wallyonetwo WhateverS WhitchyWay (2) win YohAznGamer zedbash ziablock Zocturnal