Windy City LAN 5.0

Hosted by removed

WCL5.0 is a Bring Your Own Computer gaming event. We are here to host gamers to meet, play and have fun. This is a family style event, all ages are welcome. We are partnering with Dragon Fall, a tabletop gaming community. They will be sharing the event space with us. We will also have vendors with booths displaying and selling items.
As we do host tournaments, we are a LAN Party first, with tournaments secondary. All are welcome to come play games and interact.

We have moved to

Windy City LAN is now a LAN FEST Chapter. All events will now be registered and reserved through the website:

We would like to thank LANREG.ORG for the years we used their great site!

START: 06-26-2020 12:00PM
END: 06-28-2020 03:00PM

Holiday Inn Chicago-Elk Grove
1000 Bussee Rd
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

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