South Jersey LAN 2018
Hosted by South Jersey Lan
The South Jersey LAN returns for it's fifth year.
Here's our webpage, it's easier to read
Our Yearly Summer Event, come and have fun with the tournaments listed below! Also come and hangout with creative computer builds and enjoy the LAN food and atmosphere!
When: JULY 22ND, 12:30pm to 10:00pm
What to bring: Your Computer, Monitor and Peripherals, or Gaming Laptop.
Tickets can be bought at the door or here on LANreg!
Price to enter:
$35: SJLAN Pass; All tournaments entry, Food, Vive VR and More!
$15: Fight Pass; This includes food and entrance into the Smash Tournament!
$10: Spectator pass; Watch, hangout and enjoy the Food!
Equipment will be inventoried and tracked to make sure that no one leave's with anyone elses equipment.
Games that are featured: With Prizes
Normal Competitive Ruleset
Trophies and Tournament Entry Prizes
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Normal Competitive Ruleset
Trophy and $300 prize
Team Fortress 2
6v6 Control Points with Global Whitelist
Trophies and Small Prizes
Rainbow 6: Siege
Competitive Ruleset
Trophy and Small Prizes
Rocket League
3v3 mode
Trophies and Small Prizes
Smash 4
2 stock 6 minutes
Double Elimination
Customs off
Items off
No equipment
Mii fighters are allowed with 1111 and the mii must use the system mii fighters A-F
Trophy and $100 prize
Again more info for both events here:

lapis lazuli MercenaryOfOZ (3) SuperSayian20 UGL (8)TICKETS
Fight Pass
29/30 remainingSmash Tournament and Food
50/50 remainingTournamament Entry, Computer Spot, VR and Food
SJLAN Pass Early Bird Special!
9/10 remainingSJLAN Pass plus a free SJLAN BackPack
Spectator Pass
20/20 remainingSpectate and Food