VetLAN 6

Hosted by Vetlan

VFW Post 2666 in Hillsboro is pleased to announce another charity LAN party. The event goes from Friday June 10th at 6pm to Sunday June 12th at 4pm.

Most seats are 3 people to an 8' table. Please plan accordingly.

Friday June 10th:
6pm Event Opens
9pm Welcome remarks

Saturday June 11th:
2pm Game of the Hour - Unreal Tournament 2004 (Onslaught)

Sunday June 12th
1pm Game of the Hour - Trackmania
4pm Event closes


START: 06-10-2022 06:00PM
END: 06-12-2022 04:00PM

VFW Post 2666
310 SW Walnut St
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Vfw emblem e1406735534972


ACoD Aractor Arylea Beefcake361 (2) BizSAR Brohon CascadeOfMisery citizenskippy (2) Demented Govtman (2) Headtrauma HotPocket42 iGetzPants (2) JediLilly626 (2) JuiceBox loki dog MarsBar Moogle388 Mouse NotListed Pahshee RiotReject rosie Sprinkles (2) Sulzanti Suren untouchableface Vaelin Vecmented Vector