Great Alaska LAN Party
Hosted by Warehouse 49
We our hosting the 4th Annual Great Alaska LAN Party and this year we are supporting Extra Life.
This year with the tradition of Extra Life game day the GALP will be 24 hours.
To reserve a seat you must have raised $50 through Extra Life. After you reserve a seat send us a message through facebook or email us at with your Extra Life fundraising link so we can verify your funding status.
For teams that want to reserve one of the tabletop rooms you must either have raised $300 for the 6 person room or $400 for the 8 person room.
Venue rules still apply. We will not be allowing outside food our drink however we will be inviting some food trucks for dinner, midnight snack, and breakfast which you can bring into the venue.
For all details please refer to the facebook event page or shoot us an email.