COGlan 8.0
Hosted by CogLAN
Welcome to COGlan! We are gearing up for our Fall 2022 event, and we are going all out for you guys. With this being a mid November (Nov 19th and 20th) events we are going to be having Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night for all who attend. Attendees will also get their normal free BAWLS energy as well. We are also trying something new, early bird pricing. From Now until Labor Day seats will be $20 and after Labor Day will go up to $25. We are starting with about half of our seats and are hoping to have to open our overflow seating. Seating chart is open. Please check out discord and Facebook for the most up to date information on this event. We will be planning games and tournaments very soon.
Prices are as follows:
$20 Early Bird Price (good through Labor Day)
$25 Normal Price (starts after Labor Day)
Check out the sponsors tab and make sure to thank them for sponsoring our event.
We are doing case/half-case pre-sale for BAWLS energy for this event. There will be a limited amount available for sale at the event as well. For the best deal pre-order now. Pre-sale ends 11-03-2022.
We look forward to seeing all of you at COGlan 8.0!!!!
NOTE: Name Badge cutoff is 11-14-2022. After that date badges will be handwritten at the event.
START: | 11-19-2022 10:00AM |
END: | 11-20-2022 05:00PM |
The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.
antiproductiveman Dysko Volante FuriousGazebo GoldenBunny Hotdog Zanzibar jpwinkis (2) LarsBaBaGhanoush NachoConnery Ogly Bognosterfum Plague[COG] Ropplestiltskin Silverwolf Thundercat TiMmYtApThAt TurtleFreak[COG] VindictivegenieTICKETS
Ginger Bawls
SOLD OUT!Half Case of Ginger Bawls
Sugar-Free Bawls
SOLD OUT!Half of Case of Sugar-Free Bawls