JGL Spring LAN 2016 @theCO
Hosted by Jackson Gaming League
Come join us for over 36 hours of gaming!
The Jackson Gaming League will be hosting our 3rd lan party event at The CO in Jackson TN April 29-30.
Fiber Gigabit internet provided to all!
---Official Tournaments---
* Counter-Strike:GO 5 vs 5 Double Elimination
* Street Fighter 5 1 vs 1 Double Elimination ($5 entry fee . Payout will be 60/30/10%)
* Rocket League 3 vs 3 Double Elimination
* Unreal Tournament Pre-alpha (2016 Version) FFA Deathmatch
*Super Smash Brothers Double Elimination on Wii ($5 entry fee . Payout will be 60/30/10%)
Pre-Registration and Reserved Seat: $12
At the Door Walk In : $18 (If space is available)
Tournament signups- http://jgl.challonge.com/
Website - http://www.jacksongamingleague.com/
Event Discussion- https://www.facebook.com/events/1017696288279875/
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Join now!
START: | 04-29-2016 06:00PM |
END: | 05-01-2016 03:00AM |

The seating chart has been locked. Seat reservations can no longer be created, updated, or transferred.
Agis3rd BandoMemphis cdspotts88 Channel cloakinsoul95 CONSOLE (4) Durrandi emccrckn Eren Evilotaku Fitz Frizzy GrantSlay HØward jeplmr JohnoHD L0g1c Lemonade LoolzCatz Madwatch Monophonotronic N1NNy ndtinker neokeelo NocturneKittie (2) P8nterchic PlasticWrap proBizcus prosauce98 r0bd0b rdr Redzot (2) Reed Spacer Remedy Repeek reVive_SSB Rozen Shr3ddermill3R Sysko The Dingus The_Dream TheGamerWhoLifts TheStoddemeister Wet Willy Yoiny YorkTICKETS
No limitChoose this ticket if you are not bringing a PC and do not need a reserved seat or are only coming to compete in a console tournament .